A field trip

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When I was visiting my friend in Boston, we went to this place called Boda Borg, and it was really fun, so this is based on that.

Peter was on the bus talking with Ned about random things. The school had rented out the bottom floor of an escape room building thing. So they had about ten escape rooms they could use with about several groups.

The bus then stopped, and they all got off, heading into the building. The class was all sat down and told of the rules, "Before we start questing we need to go over some rules. Be careful of the grey doors with caution tape at the bottom they swinging out, and it is not fun getting hit by them." Some people snickered, "Next is the number of people in an escape room has to be 3-5 for these quests to simply work. The props are fragile, so please, if it doesn't move, don't try to pull, push, lift them. Also, some people have rented out the top floors, so please do not go up there."

They then all spread into groups Peter, Ned, MJ, and Betty together. Running down the stairs, they grabbed the stamp card and headed to the first room.

They climbed through the top thing and jumped down, looking at their surroundings. "Hacker." A female voice kept saying. MJ found a hole in the wall with a small tv showing some code and some red buttons on the wall.

MJ presses the first button, and the circuit outside started turning green. Only one stayed green; the others at the ends turned red. Peter pushes the green ones, and they constructed a plan. MJ hit four of the buttons and ran to one of the circuits, and they completed the first room.

The next room was of lasers. Now Ned knew Peter was flexible and probably did this before with Natasha, so he volunteered Peter. Now Ned totally did not shove Peter to the lasers (he totally did.) Peter quickly got his footing and was bending at a weird angle to not hit the wires.

Soon enough, Peter made it to the lever and pulled down on it, and the lasers shut off. Ned ran over to the box, but it wouldn't open. They had to do another thing to finish the room. Betty, still a little shocked by Peter's flexibility, went over to a rope handing off of the ceiling and pulled it. Ned, who was still trying to open the box, swung it open. MJ then walked over and stamped the card, and the four walked out of the room.

On the top floor.

"This is STUPID! We can get this stupid room." Scott yelled Pietro was on his phone looking for the answers to the room. Then Pietro got a notification Peter Parker was nearby. So him being totally rational he decided to grab Peter, so that is Peter disappeared from his group waiting for the Jungle escape room.

Peter was placed down in front of Scott and Clint. "I saw that he was in the area and actually knows how to do things since he's like a mini stark. We need to beat them."

"Hold up I'm confused here. Pietro, you stole me from my field trip and who is them?" Peter held his hand up.

Cling smiled, "Them is the other groups we are competing on who will have the most stamps by the end of the day." Clint then put his hand on Peter's shoulders, "And you will be helping us so let's go!"

They then dragged him to the first escape room then the next then the next. Soon they had done almost all of the rooms and their cards were filled.

Peter looked at his watched and cursed under his breath it had been 3 hours. "Pietro bring me to my group Ned is in it."

"fine." Pietro rolled his eyes.

Suddenly Peter appeared next to Ned a soft blue thing following him then retreating. "Where were you Peter!" Ned said.

Peter took a minute and looked at his surroundings, the bathroom. "I was helping Clint, Scott, and Pietro up stairs."

"Ok. Wait the avengers are in this building!"


When Peter got to the tower his lab privileges were taken away for a day. FRIDAY relayed Tony's message to him, "you helped them. I can not forgive you."

Peter just sighed.

Signing off, Beanz500

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