Career Day

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Peter had Career day today. Aunt may couldn't make it as her 'off' time was later on in the day to see Peter get home. He sat his worn desk, looking at Flash's Dad talk about his business as Flash stood smirking next to him.

Then went MJ's mom, a doctor. She talked about how it was in the field as a women, totally MJ's mom.

Ned's mom went next. She had asked if Peter wanted her to go for him too, but Peter politely declined the offer. She talked about her job as an accountant.

"Now that we are all finish-" Before Ms.Fox could finish the door opened and Tony freaking Stark poked his head in.

"I hope I'm not late." He said then looked at Peter, "we aren't late right kid?"

"Ummm Mister Stark 1. No you are not. 2 We? 3. Why are you here how did you find out about this?" Peter blurted.

"Well we is." And mister stark stepped in followed by Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Steve, and Thor. "Also Aunt May told me. Anyway lets start kid get up here." this all went too fast for the class to understand but the Avengers were now teaching them about their day to day lives.

At the end questions could be asked. And of course Flash was picked. "So how come you came for Penis Parker? Like he's just a charity case right? Like who would want him in their home willingly?"

'SuGaR hOnEy IcEd TeA' Peter thought as he turned his head toward his family. And it was scary, Tony had his Iron gauntlet on his hand (I think thats it), Steve had the eyebrows of disappointment which were scary in itself, Thor's eyes held lightning and lightning crackled around his form, Bruce was turning green and had to leave, Clint had his bow and arrows out and nocked, Natasha had a dagger out and was twiddling it with a menacing glare.

"What did you call Peter?" Natasha asked sweetly but scarily. 

"Uh um Peter Ma'am." Flash Stuttered turning pale.

"Yeah uh huh We will be leaving now come on kid, we are having ice-cream and a talk." And they left. The class filled with parents, kids, and a teacher that were all shocked, except for Ned, his mom and MJ.

MJ then spoke, "Well he did tell you that he had an internship."

Signing off, Beanz500

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