Aunt Carol

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To celebrate me going to Captain Marvel FINALLY

Peter had met Ms. Marvel (as he called her at first) after they finished the war. They both instantly hit it off and he started to call her Aunt Carol before calling Tony dad.

One night he came home after being with her the entire day. When he came through his window Tony was sitting in a spiny chair. "Where were you?"

Peter then says, "with cap"

Steve then turns in his own spiny chair saying, "wanna try again?"

"Not you"

Both of them tilt their heads to the side in confusion. Then Carol walked in with Starbucks for her and Peter. "Sup Losers"


Carol decided to give Peter flying lessons. She led him to a plane she learned to fly. "Okay Pete I'm going to teach you how to fly a plane. Then after I need to tell you some stories cuz why not."

Peter is a fast learner, Carol knew this. But not that fast, Peter had quickly caught on to flying a plane and he was doing loop de loops in the air. "This is AWESOMEEEEE!"

He then took a sharp turn to the left diving down. Peter then slowed as they got close to the ground and landed. Carol and him hi-fived and got off the plane. "Now some stories!"


They sat in bean bag chairs and she started to tell him about Fury and how he is actually nice. "Like he is like actually funny. Not this grumpy pants he makes everyone believe he is. When he met goose it was the funniest thing."

"Who's goose?"

Just then a orange feline came out from the corner. The cat then jumped on Peter lap and laid down. "That's goose. He is actually an alien species called  Flerken they have alien tentacles in their mouth. He had the tesseract in him for a bit too."

Just then goose showed a bit of the tentacle freaking Peter out a bit.

"Oooo did you know that the Avengers were named after me?"

"Wait really?"

"Yep, Fury saw on my plane that it was Captain Carol 'avenger' Danvers. He liked the name soo it was called 'The Avengers initiative'"

"That is so COOL!"


Carol was picking Peter up from school. Happy was sick, Tony had a mandatory meeting, and Pepper was with Tony at the meeting. Carol had offered to take Peter, never specified what mode of transport though.

So she was sitting outside of his school in a two person jet. Watching the kids marvel ;) about it. She then saw Peter come out. Just as he realized that she was there he got pushed and fell down the concrete steps of the school.

Her armor quickly formed around her and the helmet came up. The hood of the plane opened and she quickly hopped out. The boy who had pushed Peter was looking at her in awe. Carol quickly came to Peter, "Hey Pete you okay?"

"Yep I am Aunt Carol." Everyone was gaping at the sight. Peter had another aunt other than aunt May. An aunt who had her own plane.

She smiled, "then let's go your turn to steer." Peter rolled his eyes and did the same hand gesture as his Aunt. They walked away from the gaping crowd and into the jet.

But before the hood was fully closed Carol screamed "HIGHER FURTHER FASTER BABY!" before Peter lifted the plane and shot to Avengers tower.

Yeah you could say Flash never bothered Peter again.

Signing off, Beanz500

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