Yeah, field trips suck 【Pt. 4】

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I kinda didn't want to finish this cuz it was stupid to add an oc to this, but ya know can't change it. Kenna is basically just Dr.Stranges mentee, and Peter and she just call each other by their mentor's last names, (confusing i know. But Strange and Stark basically adopted them.) Also, no, I do not ship them together. Kenna is gay, and Peter likes MJ duh.

Peter was trying not to punch something.

Kenna was just finding ways to embarrass him, and during that time, MJ and her combined forces. He also tried not to punch Kenna because it sounded like she was hitting on MJ so. Percy had joined them, but he was just watching and making sure no one left.

Flash was enjoying/ not enjoying this. He loved that Kenna was giving embarrassing moments of Peter, but he didn't know how they knew each other. Also, what the hell did the AI say before it was blurred out?

"Okay, so all done with the embarrassing Peter moments we have to get to the QnA." Kenna smiled and headed to the big conference room. This was the place where they made announcements. When they went in, she led them to the few rows of seats that were set up. On the stage was the usual set up for an avengers conference for the world to see, but now it is just a high school and not a bunch of reporters.

(at this point, I got distracted by GOTGv2 soundtrack, so ignore any mistakes I was scream-singing it while writing this.) Peter sat down with his class, and the Avengers piled in and sat in their seats. They had all something that represented them like Clint's chair was like a nest with a place for his bow to hang with his quiver.

"Hello children, this is going to be conducted like a regular interview. Just raise your hand to avoid chaos." Tony smiled his camera smile before finding Peter and giving him a fatherly smile.

Almost all of his class put their hands up, the only people with their hands down were Peter and the shy kid. Peter knew the kid wanted to raise his hand badly. His social anxiety just wouldn't let him.

Clint pointed to MJ, and she addressed Natasha, "How do you deal with all of the boys being idiots all of the time and fighting with each other constantly. Also ow do you feel about so many women and girls looking up to you?"

"I have no idea if I'm being completely honest the other day they were fighting over who would get the last cookie. And to the second question, I didn't realize it really, but it feels amazing because we need more badass women in this world, I might even make a camp for self-defense and all of that." Natasha said, smiling and watched MJ write down everything she said.

Everyone's hands shot up again (except for the shy guy, Peter, and MJ.) Peter then noticed a specific pair was missing. Most likely still chasing each other, he thought to himself, then he noticed Flash starting to talk.



"Do you guys know Penis Parker?"

He could hear Micheal Scott in his head. "NO GOD. NO GOD! PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!"

"We do not know any Penis, Parker, that is not a very good name for a child, either way, we know a Peter Parker. If that is what you meant, I think your mental Auto-correct isn't working." Tony said, leaning back in his chair. Peter could see the sarcastic vibes rolling off in waves with a bit of anger, no a lot of anger. The rest of the Avengers were also glaring at him, and Natasha obtained a knife.

Then he could see Wanda sneaking up on Flash before a sliver streak ran by, and all anyone could hear was a girly scream. No, it wasn't Wanda. Flash was sitting on the stage with Pierto standing above him, glaring at him.

"I think y'all should leave." Steve pointed at the door. Peter and his class got up, and before Peter could slip away, steve said, "Peter get back here."


The End hehehehehehehe.

Now I have a tournament for softball next weekend and might not be able to post, but I am working on requests don't bother me if you have requested something I have school and softball and I've been getting a lot of work so everything is going to be slow.

Signing off, Beanz500

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