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~Tony isn't dead neither is Natasha we must protect them. Also Harley is older than Peter by one year.~

Peter ran down the stairs of his school. But then he got pulled back and fell. "Hey penis. Where you going in such a hurry? To Stark towers oh wait you don't have an internship there."

Peter just rolled his eyes and got up. "Flash I do have the internship and I need to get home so bye." Peter bolted to the car parked in front of the school.

Peter got in the front and greeted Harley, "Hey harls."

"You know that I don't like that nickname."

"So? Petey can still use it!" A small voice chirped from the back. Peter turned to find Morgan in her car seat.

"Morg! How was school?" Peter smiled back at his younger sister.

"Shit!" She smiled and Harley slammed on the breaks and looked back with Peter.

Harley asked her slowly, "how do you know that word."

She smiled innocently, "Daddy said it! It sounds like a cool word but daddy said it was mommy's word."

Peter and Harley looked at each other and shrugged. They would just tell Pepper later.

When they got to the tower and into the pent house, Peter threw his bag on the couch. Harley and him plopped themselves on the couch as Morgan ran to her room.

He was dwelling on the fact that the Decathlon team got to go somewhere on the weekend, but he didn't get to go. The reason was two things 1, he had missed too many Decathlon meetings and 2, he had to give tours and help around the place as some of the interns were out and he offered to help. Curse him and his need to help people.

"So what are we going to do about Morgan saying shit?" Harley asked looking over at Peter.

Peter shrugged, "I have no idea tell mom?"

"Good idea and say that Dad said it in front of her I want to see what Mom does." Peter nodded and the brothers walked to their Moms office.

~the next day~

Peter ran down the stairs putting on his badge. Harley bet that Peter couldn't make it down all the stairs to be in time for his tour.

He slid across the floor and looked at his watch then smiled. He had made in time. Grabbing the box of badges from a pile with his name it he walked over to where his tour groups met up.

He finally looked up and went still. Peter quickly recovered. "Hello Midtown Tech's Decathlon Team. I'm Peter Parker and I'm your tour guide."

"What are you doing here Parker." Flash sneered pushing his way to the front.

Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm at work today is my day to take tours, I'm sure that Mr.Harrington told you to respect the tour guide. I'm the tour guide and you sadly have to listen to me. Now I'm going to hand you out badges come and get them when I call your name."

~time skip to lunch wow I love time skips~

It had gone ehh so far for Peter. He led them to the lunch room and turned to them smiling. "Now you can go to anywhere in the room where it lets you and get stuff. Only workers get food items like desert as they work here and it is a reward for their work."

Peter then turned the other way only to be stopped, "Hey penis! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to my lunch level Flash now bye." Peter kept walking to the elevator when it opened. 

Morgan ran out, "Petey! Daddy is running after me swing awayyy!" Peter smile as the child jumped in his arms and he waved at his class. 

"Catch you guys at school I'll send another intern. Also Morg that is Spider-mans webs I can't use those out here." Peter ran away as the elevator opened and Tony Stark came out.

"Come on Pete! I was just about to get her!"

The the class was confused.

But the rest of the cafeteria was unfazed. 

Signing off, Beanz500

Peter Parker, Spiderman One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now