Zoom Class

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Peter Parker was in quarantine at the avengers tower. He would almost always get interrupted during his classes, weather it be for a mission or people just wanting to annoy him.

1. The zoom where there was a mission.

Peter sat in his chemistry class taking notes when Natasha opened his room door. "Fury wants us all in the meeting room."

"We have a mission?" Peter questioned not noticing that his class had gone silent.

"Yes Peter."

"Lke right now?" Natasha nodded, "Right now, right now? Because I just started chem and I missed the last like three." Natasha gave him a look, "Like do we have to? I'm sure it's important but cant it just wait? Please?"

The sound of Peter's teacher clearing his throat made Peter look over quickly, "Excuse me Mr. Parker?"

Peter and Natasha's eyes widened, Peter clicked on his laptop quickly muttering the word mute over and over.

2. The zoom where Clint hangs from the ceiling.

Peter was in the middle of class when Clint decided it would be a very good idea to take a crawl around the vents. While writing notes Peter glanced at the screen and saw Clint slowly lowering himself out of the vents.

Quickly Peter turned around in his chair, silently yelling the superhero. 'Clint Barton get back up into the vents before my whole class figures out there's a freaking superhero coming out of my ceiling.' 

Peter then turned around and started to jot notes down about the book they were to read.

3. The zoom where Tony makes an announcement.

Just as Peter was asking a question when the intercom burst through the tower with Tony behind the microphone. "Hi, this is your fearless leader Tony Stark speaking. If the fire alarm goes off in the next 5-10 minutes just ignore it."

Peter ignored the widening eyes of his classmates and muted his mic slamming his head on the desk.

4. The zoom where Thor drops in.

"Hey kid you still in class?" Tony asked opening the door. 

Peter quickly checked to see if he was muted or not and thank god he was, "yeah I still am sorry."

"Oh that's a shame," Tony pointed behind himself, "Because Thor just dropped in. I'm not sure if you two met or anything."

Peter pursed his lips before quickly turning off his video and disconecting, "I'll just tell them my wifi went out now lets go."

I totally haven't not updated this since March what are you talking about???? Anyways I got this idea from suremeg on tiktok. Love you all! Maybe making a comeback?

signing off, Beanz500

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