Peter can lift things

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Since Peter had been bitten by the spider he could lift things. Very heavy things. One day he scared the shit out of Tony by bringing an elephant into the compound. "Mr. Stark!"

"Kid I told you to stop calling me thaaaaaaa oh my god! Peter why do you have an elephant!"

"It is my pet."

"ok ok, that is perfectly fine." Tony walked away muttering about how he could have gotten any regular pet like a dog. 

Then another time he had just got back from school.

"Hey, Peter how was school." Natasha greeted him from the couch. Steve also greeted Peter and Clint just waved invested in his game of  Mario Cart.

Peter smiled, "It was amazing Auntie Nat!" He dropped his bag on the floor and it cracked from the weight. Steve just looked at the spot where the bag was dropped while Natasha slid over. 

"Now that you are back we are going to resume training." Natasha smiled leading Peter away. Clint cheered as he won then he saw what Steve was looking at. 

"What the FU-"

When Tony and Peter were in the lab Tony was asking him questions. "you can lift up to 10 thousand kilograms! that's like."

"Almost enough to lift the weight of my sins, yes," Peter said then got back to working on a new web formula, leaving Tony confused.

During a battle in which he hadn't met Thor yet, he asked Steve, "What is this child doing on a battlefield?"

As he said this Peter picked up the hulk and Yeeted him 700mph toward a flock of aliens yelling, "ANGRY SHREK ATTACK!!!"

"nevermind," Thor said and got back to battling.

This was a quick one because I have two long ones coming up. Well, hope y'all liked it.

Signing off, Beanz500

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