Agent Parker

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Requested by dust2till2dawn in this story, he does not go out as spidey but does have his powers.

Fury had called him in for an assignment. So there he was dressed in his suit with his tinted glasses on, sure he didn't need them anymore, but they look cool. "Fury, you needed me?" He stood in front of Fury's desk.

"Yes, agent Parker. You are being put in charge of the avengers. They are at each other's throats get them to at least not fight over anything and everything." Fury pushed over 6 files spread out, then about 5 more. "The six are the originals, and the 5 are the add ons. Read them take notes, any questions?"

"Will Nat and Clint know I'm coming. Also, when am I going, and am I going under an alias?" Peter took the files in his arms and raised his eyebrow at Fury.

Fury folded his hands back up, "no they don't no one does, no you will not be going under an alias just call yourself Agent Parker. You will leave in a week enough time for you to finish the files."

Peter nodded and left the room to his dorm area. He opened his door after putting his hand on a pad, he then put the files down on his desk. He changed into comfy clothes and started to get to work.

v(^_^v)two weeks later

Peter held the suitcase and his briefcase. It must have been weird for the people walking by to see a 16-year-old carrying a briefcase in a suit. He walked into the avengers building and walked up to the SHEILD part of the reception. He looked over his tinted glasses and saw Gia and smirked they had gone a mission together.

He slipped her the card from fury, just saying who he is and what badge he needs. Gia smiled and nodded before typing away at her computer and gave him a transparent badge that has an undertone of red and blue. Peter walked to the scanners and showed his card, then the note from fury to a security guard he recognized as an agent.

He went to the elevator and say the command word "FRIDAY? Can you bring me to the penthouse?" He then scanned just badge again on the scanner.

He heard a female voice run through the elevator, "Sure thing Mr. Parker. As you are new, anything you would like me to call you?"

"Agent Parker is good, FRIDAY."

Then the elevator doors opened to a room occupied by the Avengers. He walked out of the elevator. The only reason they knew someone was there was the almost soundless noise the elevator produced. Clint's eyes widened, and Natasha only showed a little emotion of surprise, "Hey, I'm you guys babysitter, and before you say anything, Fury sent me."


"Well, Nat, Clint, are y'all gonna hug me?"

I had to repost because Wattpad didn't take any of my changes anyways do you think i should do a Rogue story or Nah.

Signing off, Beanz500

Peter Parker, Spiderman One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now