Chapter 1: Niphredil

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A/N: Hello my dear readers. Remember while reading that the lines with underline are in Elvish. have fun.


The full moon was shining in the clear sky of one autumn night. Its light was passing through tangled branches of a Mallorn tree, illuminating one of the highest talons in the tallest tree of Lothlorien.

The talon was a room. A bed with silk lilac curtains, a toilet table with a big mirror, a lilac loveseat near the edge of talon and a table with 4 chairs were the room's furniture.

A woman was standing at the edge of the talon where the light of the moon was shining without the blockage of branches. Her waist-length silver hair was shining like a waterfall made of million diamonds. Her long silver dress was moving with a soft wind along with her silky hair. It was like she was showering in the moonlight, enjoying the moment.

Her eyes were closed like she was in sleep. But in fact, in her mind, she was far away from there. For a second she furrowed and a shadow fell on her beautiful face. A word came out of her lips like whisper of a wind. "Mordor".

"Niphredil!" called someone and the woman came out of her trance and turned toward them. She smiled at the sight of the newcomer and the shadow passed.

"Hîr nín, Celeborn." She said softly and bowed.

"You won't bow to me, my child." said Celeborn, the lord of Lothlorien. He walked over to her and took her hands and furrowed instantly. "what's wrong? You're tensed." Asked Celeborn while looking at her with worry evident in his voice and eyes.

"I'm fine. Everything is alright." answered Niphredil and dropped her eyes to avoid her lord's intense and sharp gaze.

Celeborn looked at her for a moment. "I've come to talk to you. Please sit." he said and offered her a chair and sat on another chair himself. "Sauron, our old enemy returned to Mordor, 60 years ago. He has rebuilt his old fortress and has gained most of his power. We have news he even has gathered the Nine again, leading by their head, the witch king of Angmar." He said.

Niphredil gasped at the mention of the Nine. "The Nazgul." said Niphredil in a low voice.

Celeborn nodded. "We are living in a very dangerous time." he said and peered into her eyes, "I know you have promised your help to Mithrandir. I know what is in your mind, Niphredil. But you are too young and unfamiliar with the ways of this world. The road that Mithrandir has taken is very dangerous and I want to keep you away from it as much as possible."

"But, my lord..." Niphredil tried to say, but Celeborn cut her off.

"No buts, Niphredil. Not this time." Said Celeborn, frustrated. He stood and his hands balled into fists. He went to the balcony and stood under the light of the moon and closed his eyes. In his heart, he felt great fear. The vision that he had seen. The darkness that was awaiting her.

He felt Niphredil's small hand on his face and opened his eyes. She turned his head so he faced her. She was looking at him with her beautiful brown eyes with concern. They resembled each other but Niphredil was beautiful beyond measure. "what has made you this worry, grandfather?" she said.

Celeborn took a deep breath. He put his hands on her delicate shoulders and peered into her eyes.

"You are in grave danger, my daughter. There is nothing other than darkness and death in the path that you've chosen." said Celeborn.

Niphredil opened her mouth to say something but he didn't allow her. "I received a message from Lord Cirdan of gray havens. A ship is ready and will go to the undying lands within two months. A group of our people is leaving here soon and I want you to go with them. I want you to go with that ship, Niphredil. This is your lord's and grandfather's command."

Niphredil's eyes widened. She released herself from her grandfather's grip and shook her head. "No, I can't go. You can't do this to me. The darkness is growing in the East. He is getting stronger every passing day." She said and then turned to the East.

The balcony had an open view to the East and the southeast where the great river could be seen. Her keen eyes allowed her to see beyond the river and the line of the white mountains. She could see the growing shadow in the East. "I can feel his power. His malice. His will to ruin everything." She whispered. Then she turned toward Celeborn who was watching her with concern. "I want to stand and help to defeat it." she said firmly.

"And that is exactly what I don't want you to do. That's exactly what I want you to avoid. This is not your fight, Niphredil." Said Celeborn and went closer to her. "The time of the elves is over. We are leaving these lands and you have to ..."

His words were cut off by Niphredil. "It's not my fight?? This is the fight of the all free people of Middle Earth. We are part of this world. I will not leave these lands. I will fight." she reasoned with him.

"And that will lead you to your death." Said Celeborn angrily and turned away from her.

Niphredil was silent for a moment. She could easily sense her grandfather's fear for herself. She went to Celeborn's side and took his hands.

"I know what has made you say these words, Ada, for I have seen the visions too. The darkness. The end, my end." She said and made Celeborn completely shocked. She gave him a weak smile and continued. "Yes, I know. But I can't leave these shores now. I have a duty. Responsibility for a power that is given to me. Whether you like it or not I will stay even if my fate will be darkness and death. This, is my fate and I don't want to flee from it. There is still hope. Nothing is certain." she said calmly and gently kissed his cheek. "I love you, grandfather." she said with teary eyes and then turned and left the talon.

Celeborn just stood there and watched the place that Niphredil was standing a moment ago. His eyes too were filled with water.

"We can't change her mind." he heard Galadriel's calm voice from behind. He turned to his wife. She was standing there with sadness written on her face. "You know how much determined she is when she has a goal. Just like you."

"I saw it, Galadriel. I saw her end. She is going... she is going to ..." Tears didn't let him finish his words. He just sat there on the loveseat and covered his face with his hands and leaned his elbows on his knees. He felt Galadriel sat beside him and embraced him. Every time when she did this, Celeborn would felt calm. But this time he felt much worse, cause he knew what turmoil was in his wife's heart.

"I failed again Galadriel. I failed to keep safe my daughters, Celeberian and Lairelossë. We are losing Arwen as well because she will choose mortality for Aragorn with high probability, and now Niphredil. I promised Lairelossë and Halanfier to take care of Niphredil and Finrod. Finrod is always in danger because he has chosen to be with guards, protecting our borders and recently he has told me that he wants to go south to Dol Amroth to help Earl Imrahil. And now this vision about Niphredil. Why us Galadriel, why our children?" Galadriel was crying too by the time. Her heart was exploding from pain to see her beloved husband who was always calm and collected, broken like that.

"This task is appointed to her. In her heart, Niphredil knows that she has a great task to do. There are powers beyond our will, engaging in this fate. Let's hope these powers will protect her." Said Galadriel and Tightened her hold and buried her face in Celeborn's neck.

They just sat there, hugged each other and cried. No one believed that the mighty lord and lady of Galadrim will ever cry, for they were two of the strongest beings in Middle Earth, But the weight of fear and pain that they were feeling, was unbearable.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now