Chapter 21: Leaving Lórien

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Frodo was venturing aimlessly in the woods. He had just come from meeting with Lady Galadriel. What he had seen in her mirror was repeating in his head. Suddenly he felt the same flower scent whenever Niphredil was around. He saw her. First, he saw a glimpse of silver. It was like a faint light of star was coming his way. Then when she came out of shadows of the trees, he saw her completely, wearing a long silver dress that matched her silver hair. Her whole figure was glowing, like a star. her bare feet didn't make any sound. It seemed the trees moving their branches and flowers dancing from happiness when she was passing. Even her presence made Frodo calm and he found himself running to her.

In fact, Niphredil was deep in her thoughts. She had just came from the hill. Boromir had left her a few minutes after their talking. She had sat on the bench, thinking about many things. It was late at night that she decided to come down from the hill. She was deep in her thoughts when suddenly out of nowhere a small person ran to her and hugged her tight around her waist. She looked down and recognized Frodo.

"Frodo!" she said and hugged back the terrified hobbit. After a few minutes, she knelt on the ground and put her hands on his shoulders and peered into his fearful eyes. His mind was open for her, so she saw the reason for his fear.

"Oh, Frodo." she said sadly and hugged him tightly again. "I'm afraid, Niphredil. I'm afraid." whispered Frodo. "shhhhh. It's alright. I understand. You have every right to be frightened. You're carrying a heavy burden, Frodo, but you are not alone. We are with you. I'm with you. I will help you." said Niphredil quietly.

Frodo looked at her. "I know. If I ask, all of you will come with me to the end, but I have to go on this way alone. This is a task that I have to do alone."

Niphredil smiled reassuringly at him and pulled away a strand of his curly hair from his face. "do you trust in me, Frodo? Do you trust in my powers?" she asked him. Frodo nodded. "then believe me when I'm saying that you will not be alone on this quest." said Niphredil.

Frodo looked at her eyes and slowly calmed down. "now come. You need to rest, for you are so weary." said Niphredil and kissed his forehead. She then stood and took his hand and guided him to the camp. On the way she let her power to flow in him, so when they arrived at his bed, Frodo felt completely relaxed. Nothing was in his head except the picture of a beautiful night sky full of stars in the woods. He was asleep before his head could touch the pillow. The last thing he remembered was Niphredil kissing his forehead and her soft voice filled his dream. She talked in the tongue of Eldar, but Frodo remembered her words after and translated it to the common tongue. "sleep well Frodo Baggins and don't let the fear to fill your dreams. I will protect you with all of my might, even if I won't be at your side. I promise.

That night, Frodo slept better than any other time in his life.



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