Chapter 18: Lothlorien

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It was night. They had passed the Nimrodel river. Niphredil was still unconscious. She had become paler if it was possible to be paler. Legolas was worried sick. He could hear Gimli talking to Frodo. "Stay close, young hobbits! They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch, of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell. And are never seen again. Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." If Legolas could, he would have laughed at his ridiculous words. He didn't know what he was talking about. But as Gimli said the last words, arrows came into view in the hands of the elves. The leader of the guards came forth. He was tall with golden hair and blue eyes. Legolas knew him. he had come to the Mirkwood a few times as an errand. "The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." Said the elf.

Legolas didn't hesitate anymore. He ran to the elf. "Haldir!" he called. "Legolas Greenleaf. It's been a long time." Said Haldir.

"you must help. Niphredil is in danger." Said Legolas and pointed to Niphredil with his head. Haldir's eyes grew wide. He rushed to Legolas and pulled the blanket away from Niphredil's face and gasped in horror. "Niphredil!" he cried. All the elves were looking with worry. Haldir took Niphredil in his arms. "we must take her to Lady and Lord soon." He said. One of the guards came forth and took Niphredil and ran into the forest alongside the other elf. Legolas wanted to follow them, but Aragorn stopped him. "Legolas." Said Aragorn. When Legolas turned toward the direction which the elves had gone he saw nothing. He stood and praying the Valar for Niphredil's safety.


Finally, the fellowships reached the main talon of Lorien, where Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel had seated on their thrones

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Finally, the fellowships reached the main talon of Lorien, where Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel had seated on their thrones. As soon as Legolas saw the Lady of Lorien and their eyes met, he asked his question in his mind, for he knew she would hear him. "My lady, how is Niphredil?". Galadriel smiled a bit. "don't be worry, my son. She will be fine." Legolas heard Lady's firm yet smooth voice in his mind. He relaxed a bit and got aware of Lord Celeborn's speaking.

"The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Eight there are here, yet nine there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar."

"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into shadow." Answered Galadriel with sorrowful eyes.

"He was taken by both shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." Said Legolas.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose." Said Galadriel. She then looked at each of them for a while. When she looked at Gimli she smiled sadly. "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart Gimli, son of Gloin." She said. "For the world has grown full of peril and in all lands love is now mingled with grief."

"What now becomes of this fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost." Asked Celeborn.

"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all." Said Galadriel and looked at them. "Yet hope remains while the company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight, you will sleep well."

"I have ordered to prepare everything you need. Have a peaceful night." Said Celeborn.

"I'm sorry, my Lord, but I have a question. How is Niphredil? We are so worry for her." said Pippin. Merry and Sam nodded in agreement. Celeborn smiled at him. "Lady Niphredil will be fine soon. She is resting. I assume you can see her soon." He said.

Everyone sighed in relief and turned to leave with a bow.

"Legolas, you may stay a bit." Called Celeborn. Legolas waited. When everyone was gone, Celeborn came to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter, more than one time. You can come and see her whenever you want. She will be awake soon. The Balrog poison was very strong and had made her conditions much worse. But you took her here in time. Your power was the only thing that had kept her alive. Thank you." Said Celeborn grateful.

"no need for such words, my lord, for your daughter is so precious for me too. I had failed to take care of her as I promised to her brother, Finrod." Said Legolas.

Galadriel came forth with a smile. "It's not your fault that Niphredil always looks for trouble. Although I'm sure something more than oath is the reason for your motivation." She said. Legolas felt his face heated up and dropped his face. You couldn't hide anything from the Lady of the Lorien. "Go and rest Legolas. You are tired as well and need to rest." Said Celeborn with a smile. Legolas bowed and left.

"Maybe you are right, Galadriel. Hope is not lost for Niphredil." Said Celeborn. Galadriel came and took his hand.

"Yes, there is always hope." She said quietly.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now