Chapter 12: The tenth member of the fellowship

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On the evening of two days later, Niphredil knocked on the door of Finrod's room. "come in." Her brother answered. "Niphredil!" He said happily when he saw his sister.
Niphredil saw a pile of clothes on his bed, next to his backpack. "I was packing. I'm leaving tomorrow morning. A messenger came this morning. Earl Imrahil has asked for help. I will leave tomorrow." explained Finrod.

Niphredil didn't say a word. She went to the bed and began to fold the clothes. Finrod watched his sister for a moment. her beautiful hair was moving with a soft wind which came from the open window. It was like she was illuminating with silver light.

He went and gently took her hands. "Niphredil!" he said calmly. "I will be fine."

Niphredil stared at him. "I believe you." she said and kissed his cheek.

"I've told lord Elrond to send you back to Lorien with a group of his soldiers." said Finrod.

"my dear brother, you cannot stop me from what I should do. This is my task, my destiny." said Niphredil, calmly. Finrod opened him mouth to say something, but this time Niphredil put her finger on his lips and silenced him. "you can't change my mind, Finrod. I have to go. I'm part of this tale. I have to help Frodo as much as I can. Gandalf, Aragorn, and Legolas will come too. I will be fine." She said, trying to reassure Finrod.

"They cannot guarantee your safety nor themselves." said Finrod and caressed her cheek and peered into her eyes with sadness. Then he laughed bitterly. "why did I hope to stop you? Who can change this strong mind?" He said and hugged Niphredil tightly. "Just promise me you would do everything to protect yourself." he pleaded.

"I promise. I promise, Finrod." said Niphredil.

They stood there and hugged each other for some minutes, both afraid for the other's life.

The next morning, at dawn, Niphredil said farewell to her brother and watched him disappeared on the road. Her eyes were teary and her heart was fearful and heavy.


Niphredil found Gandalf, seated on a bench, smoking. He was drown in his thoughts and didn't notice her. "Gandalf!" Called Niphredil and touched his shoulder gently.

He came out of his thoughts and saw her. "Oh, My dear Niphredil. It's good to see you." said Gandalf with a smile, but Niphredil could see a great fear hiding behind his eyes.

She sat beside him. "you were thinking about the quest." said Niphredil.

"well, yes." said Gandalf and looked at the valley. "I'm too worried, Niphredil. The road is dangerous. We have to hide from Saruman as well as Sauron. But it's not my only concern." He said and paused for a second and suddenly the shadow of old age alongside a great worry fell on his face. "We are taking the gravest danger with ourselves. The ring itself is another problem. Hearts can be easily corrupted." he whispered the last part and puffed his pipe.

Niphredil watched his agitated face. She put her hand on top of his. Gandalf turned to her. She smiled reassuringly. "do not be worry, Mithrandir. I have faith in you. You will not be affected by the power of the ring. your heart will be safe from any temptations. The fellowship have you, wise and powerful. And You are not alone, Gandalf. I will help you on this way. I will follow the ring bearer." said Niphredil.

Gandalf's eyes shone. He put his hand on her shoulder. "you don't know how much you made me calm with your decision. I'm grateful so much, Niphredil. I will really need your help along the way. You lift a great burden from my shoulders." said Gandalf with appreciation. He then stood.

"come, let's see the others and tell them this great news." said Gandalf and led the way.


Frodo was nervous. All the fellowships were gathered there to discuss about the road. The door opened and Gandalf came in, followed by Lady Niphredil. Frodo was happy to see her again. He didn't know why, but he felt secure and relax in her presence. He sensed that fantastic flower scent again. All of them bowed to her which she replied.

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