Chapter 8: Imladris

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Niphredil opened her eyes. Everywhere was quiet, the only sounds were the sounds of birds and water. She was in a soft bed covered with a soft and fragrant blanket. She looked at the beautifully carved ceiling for a moment. she slowly got up and sat on the bed. Her face twist from pain in her chest. She leaned on the bed's headboard and waited until the pain subsided. She was in a sleeveless white silk gown. Her arm was bandaged like her chest. She was in a beautiful room, bright with sunlight. The room had a big balcony. Slowly, she remembered everything. The battle on the Dimiril stair, the elf-riders, the troll and the last thing she remembered was a face. Legolas.

She got out of the bed and slowly went to the balcony. "Imladris" It was the first word that she said after getting out. The warm and golden light of the afternoon sun had filled the valley. Fresh and cold air caressed her face and moved her hair. Birds were singing in harmony with the melody of the waterfalls and golden and red leaves that were dancing on the branches with a soft wind.

But something else was there too. She shivered. "The ring of power is here." she whispered.

"Yes, what our enemy wants more than anything, has been brought here five days ago." an unfamiliar yet strong and deep voice said from behind her.

Niphredil turned and for the first time, she saw Lord Elrond, Lord of the elves of Rivendell. "Hîr nín, Elrond". Said Niphredil and bowed a little.

"I'm so honored to finally meet the Elentary." said Elrond with a smile.

"the ring is here. How about Frodo? And my brother, he got wounded in the battle. Where is he? Who helped us?" asked Niphredil continuously. Elrond laughed and gently guided her to her bed.

"Don't be worry. Everyone is safe. Your brother's wound has already been healed, for he is an elf and strong. Frodo is well too. He was taken here five days ago and he woke up yesterday. And it was Legolas Greenleaf, the Prince of Mirkwood, and his company who saved you and your brother. They brought you here yesterday afternoon." Answered Elrond and helped Niphredil to sit on the edge of the bed.

Niphredil relaxed a bit. "So, everything is fine." she said. "well, if you call five broken ribs fine." said Elrond with a smile. Niphredil smiled as well.

"well, I was wondering when you want to wake up at last." Niphredil's eyes widened with both shock and joy. It was Gandalf the gray standing in the doorway with a big smile on his face and Finrod was beside him. "Gandalf, Finrod." said Niphredil with happiness and hardly stood.

Finrod almost flew and hugged her gently. He was worried so much about the life of his little sister. "Next time when I told you to run, just run. Do you understand?" He said firmly.

"then I would regret and live in pain every passing second, for eternity." answered Niphredil and kissed his cheek. She turned to Gandalf but saw someone else who had filled most of her dreams for more than a month.

Legolas had come there and was standing next to Gandalf. He smiled and bowed. "I'm so happy to see you are fine, my lady." he said.

Niphredil bowed as well. "thank you for saving us. We were so lucky that you found us." said Niphredil.

Legolas moved uneasily. "well, I owe you an apology. I was the one who shot that troll and caused it to fall on you. I should've done better." He said embarrassed.

Niphredil chuckled. "and if you had not done that I was certainly dead now. Thank you so much." she said.

After that, she turned to Gandalf. She opened her mouth to say something, but Elrond stopped her. "He will tell you everything, but first you need to rest. Even for a young elf like you, five broken ribs are a hard and bad injury and you are not fully healed yet." Said Elrond.

Niphredil nodded. She turned to Finrod. "Please do something for me. Make sure Lótë is fine and tell her I'm fine too. She must be worried." Said Niphredil.

Finrod's eyes saddened. "Finrod?" Niphredil asked with concern.

"Lótë didn't make it. The last time I saw her, she was on the ground, wounded. We couldn't stop and help her. More Orcs were coming and you were almost dead. I'm sorry, Niphredil." Said Finrod with deep sorrow.

Niphredil just looked at him. Everyone was silent. "Please, leave me alone." She said after a moment with a voice that was hardly audible.

"Niphredil." Said Finrod.

"Please ... please." She said and streams of tear ran down her face. She turned and went to the balcony. Her sadness was beyond measure. Lótë was more than a horse or a friend. Niphredil had grown her up herself and Lótë was like a part of a family for her.

"I think it's better if we respect her request." Said Elrond to the others and they began to leave. Legolas turned and looked at Niphredil's back. His hands curled into fists. He promised to himself that never again let Niphredil cry like this.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now