Chapter 15: Battle of Mazarbul

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they were walking for hours and had passed so many stairs and tunnels. Currently, they were passing at the edge of the cliff. "The wealth of Moria was not in gold ... or jewels, but mithril." Said Gandalf and pointed his wand toward the cliff and dared more light. The walls of the cliff began to shine. It was like stars were shining in the sky. "it's like your hair, Niphredil." whispered Pippin to her. Niphredil smiled at him and patted his shoulder. Gandalf started walking again. "Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him." said Gandalf.

"Oh, that was a kingly gift." Said Gimli, amused.

"Yes." Said Gandalf. "I never told him, but its worth was greater than the value of the Shire.".

An hour later or so they arrived at the place where their road was splitting into three roads and Gandalf came to halt. "I have no memory of this place." he said.

So they sat there and had a little food. Niphredil was silent. She had tightly wrapped herself in her cloak. She was standing a little away from the others and had stared into the darkness. She felt eyes on her and turned. Boromir was standing there. "you must not make distance with the group, my lady. It's dangerous." he said quietly.

"thank you for your concern, Boromir." Replied Niphredil. Boromir came closer and dropped his head nervously while playing with his fingers. "you know... um, I wanted to tell you something for a while now." He said. "about the things I told you back in Rivendell. I'm sorry for underestimating you, my lady. You were a great help on the road. My judgment was wrong.".

Niphredil smiled. She went and took his big hands in hers. Boromir's head jolted up at this action. He peered into her eyes and instantly relaxed. "apology accepted, Boromir. Although there is no need for it." She said quietly.

"thank you, my lady." he whispered and blushed and then turned and left. Niphredil chuckled.

Legolas came to her. she saw him glaring at Boromir's back. "what did he want?" asked Legolas sorely. Niphredil's smile grew wider. She could sense his jealousy. "nothing. He just wanted to apologize." She answered.

Legolas took her hands in his and quickly furrowed. "Niphredil, your hands are like ice." Said Legolas worried. He looked into her eyes. "you are also so pale. What's wrong?" Niphredil looked away and bit her lip. "we are under the ground Legolas and this place is full of foul will. You can feel it too, but it affects me more. I lose my power under the ground. it's like the life of Eldar leaves you." She whispered. Legolas put a finger under her chin and turned her head toward himself. "you must have told me sooner." he said and engulfed her in his arms. Niphredil felt relaxed in his arms. She buried her head onto the crock of his neck and inhaled deeply. The smell of woods and the forest under a light rain filled her noise and for some minutes she forgot where she was.

"He's remembered." Merry's voice brought them back into the world. They returned to the others. "No, But the air doesn't smell so foul down here." said Gandalf. They all followed him down. "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."

They had marched as far as the hobbits could endure without a rest, and all were thinking of a place where they could sleep when suddenly the walls to right and left vanished. They seemed to have passed through some arched doorway into a black and empty space. There was a great draught of warmer air behind them, and before them, the darkness was cold on their faces. They halted and crowded anxiously together. Gandalf seemed pleased. "I chose the right way," he said. "At last we are coming to the habitable parts, and I guess that we are not far now from the eastern side. But we are high up, a good deal higher than the Dimrill Gate, unless I am mistaken. From the feeling of the air, we must be in a wide hall. I will now risk a little real light."

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now