Chapter 5: Blue eyes

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Niphredil found Lótë at stalls. She had been tended the best and had gained her full power again. Lótë sniffed Niphredil's wounded arm uneasily and licked her face. Niphredil had put a cloth round the wound for now. Lótë could sense Niphredil's weakness and didn't like it at all. Niphredil laughed and caressed her bright mane. "It's alright, my dear friend. I'm fine." she said.

Legolas had come with Niphredil and was watching Lótë with amazement. She was a mighty horse and It looked like she had been made of Mithril, just like Niphredil's hair. He caressed her. Lótë looked at him and sniffed him curiously. Niphredil giggled. Her laughter was the most beautiful voice that Legolas had been ever heard.

"He is Prince Legolas. He helped me a lot today." said Niphredil. Lótë looked into Legolas's eyes and bowed her head. Legolas did the same.

"now listen, Lótë. I want you to do something for me. This time you have to go without me. There is someone whom I want you to take to the North West, to Fornost. It's very important that you do it." said Niphredil seriously.

Lótë hoofed on the ground and snorted in Protest. "don't be worry about me. Radagast will come here and will take me home." Niphredil assured her. Lótë calmed down and nuzzled her muzzle to her face. "Good girl."

The doors of the stables opened and Aragorn came in with a sack in his hand. "I'm ready." he said and looked at Lótë with awe.

"Lótë, this is Aragorn son of Arathorn. You must take him." Niphredil told to Lótë. Aragorn came to Lótë and slowly began to caress her mane. "you are beautiful, Lótë, like your name." he whispered.

"Just trust her. She will take you to Fornost from the closest and safest way. And don't be worry about her speed. She won't let you fall. When you reached your destination, just release her. She will return to me." Niphredil instructed him.

Aragorn nodded and put his bag on Lótë's back. He turned to Legolas and put his hand on his shoulder. Legolas did the same. "farewell, Legolas." said Aragorn.

"farewell, dear friend. We will see each other soon." Said Legolas.

"farewell Lady Niphredil. It was an honor to meet you." Said Aragorn to Niphredil and bowed.

"Farewell, Son of Arathorn. Say my regards to Arwen if you see her. Stay safe." said Niphredil.

Aragorn nodded and Mounted Lótë. Legolas opened the doors of the stalls. Niphredil cuddled Lótë's head. "farewell, my dear. Return to me fast. Take care of him." she whispered and kissed her nose and then went out of the way.

"Now, Lótë. Show me your speed." Aragorn said. Lótë neighed and galloped fast, like an arrow which had just released from the bow with full power. "Be safe. Both of you."Whispered Niphredil.

Legolas came to her side and touched her shoulder. "This way, my lady. You promised." he said and gently helped Niphredil to go out of stalls and headed for the healing rooms.

When they arrived at the healing rooms, Legolas helped her to take off her cloak and hood and sat on one of the beds. Healing rooms had windows with a beautiful view of gardens that were shining gold and red in the light of the morning sun.

Niphredil closed her eyes and tried to relax. Her head was pounding and her hand was aching. She felt Legolas's hand on her shoulder and opened her eyes and saw Legolas watching her with his blue eyes. She felt she was drowning in the ocean of his eyes. Deep wells, full of memory, full of wisdom.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now