Chapter 16: The Fallen

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All of their enemies were dead. Aragorn who had gained his conscious crawled near Frodo. "Oh, no." he whispered sadly, but as he turned Frodo, he twisted and opened his eyes and coughed. Niphredil felt a wave of relief took her and gave a gasp of happiness.

"he's alive!" Cried Sam.

"I'm all right. I'm not hurt." Said Frodo, breathlessly.

"You should be dead. That spear would have skewered a wild boar." Said Aragorn, With surprise. "I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye." Said Gandalf who had guessed the fact. Frodo pulled over his shirt and they saw the silver corslet shimmered before their eyes like the light upon a rippling sea. Carefully he took it off and held it up, and the gems on it glittered like stars, and the sound of the shaken rings was like the tinkle of rain in a pool.

"Mithril!" Gasped Gimli in wonder.

"You are full of surprises, Master Baggins." Said Aragorn happily. The sound of drums raised again and bring them back to their situation.

"To the bridge of Khazad-dûm!" said Gandalf urgently.

They ran to the great hall again. "This way!" shouted Gandalf and they followed him as fast as they could. Orcs began to pour into the hall from every hole and soon they were surrounded by an army of Orcs. But as they began to attack, a horrendous roar raised and the Orcs stopped. Then in an instant, they all fled and leave the fellowships alone. Niphredil closed her eyes in anticipation. She was completely drained. Legolas lowered his bow. He knew what was coming too.

"What is this new devilry?" whispered Boromir to Gandalf.

"A Balrog." Said Gandalf quietly. "A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you." He then turned and yelled "Run! Quickly!".

They ran and passed through a doorway which led to a long row of stairs which went to the lower levels and to the bridge

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They ran and passed through a doorway which led to a long row of stairs which went to the lower levels and to the bridge. But the stairs had been cracked in a place and a wide gap brought them to halt. Boromir who was in front saw it late and swayed dangerously but Legolas ran and pulled him back and both fell on the stairs. Legolas stood quickly and easily jumped to the other side like it was nothing. Niphredil jumped after him and easily landed into his ready arms. Legolas beckoned Gandalf and urged him to jump. "Gandalf." He called.

Gandalf jumped and Niphredil and Legolas took him. then the arrows flew on them and they both took their bows and began to shot back at the Orcs with their keen eyes.

"Merry! Pippin!" shouted Boromir and picked up both hobbits and jumped to the other side. "Sam!" Said Aragorn and picked Sam and tossed him into Boromir's arms. he then turned to Gimli, but he raised his hand and stopped him. "Nobody tosses a Dwarf." He shouted.

Legolas went to help Boromir and Niphredil shot the enemies alone. Gimli jumped but landed at the edge of the gap and began to fall. Legolas took his beard and pulled him up. "Not the beard!" yelled Gimli. Just as Gimli jumped a part of the stairs where Frodo and Aragorn had stood, destroyed and the gap grew wider. Suddenly another roar was heard and everywhere shacked for a moment and a part of the stairs cracked and fell behind Frodo and Aragorn. The part that they were stood on swayed badly. "Lean forward!" said Aragron. They leaned forward and the stairs tended forward. Legolas and Boromir were ready to take them. At the last moment that the stairs were about to collapse, Aragorn shouted "Now!" and they jumped and safely landed on the other side.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now