Chapter 13: Caradhras passage

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It was a cold morning in the last days of autumn. The ten fellowships were gathered at the entrance of Imladris. Lord Elrond and a group of elves were there too. Niphredil looked at Arwen. She could see a great pain in her eyes which were watching Aragorn with love. Niphredil was worried about her. It was like she was fading.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of elves and men and all free folk go with you." said Elrond and with that, the fellowships turned to Frodo.

"The fellowship awaits the ring-bearer." Said Gandalf. Frodo walked and get out of the gates and they followed him.

"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" Niphredil heard him whispered to Gandalf. "Left." Answered Gandalf.

So the journey to the mount doom began. For three weeks they were walking to the South to the gap of Rohan. They were walking on the cover of nights and resting on days. Contrary to their expectations, Gimli and Boromir found out that not only Niphredil was not a burden but she was a great help. She helped them hide from Saruman's spies several times and somehow gave energy to everyone only with her presence. Hobbits, especially Merry and Pippin, were very fond of her.

One morning, when they were eating their poor breakfast, Pippin tried to ask everyone's age. He was somehow annoyed to be the youngest member of the group. "Okay, I know Frodo is 40, Sam in 34 and Merry is 33. Gimli how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 92, my lad. Although I'm quite strong and handsome like a young dwarf." Answered Gimli and caused everyone to laugh.

"and what about you, Boromir?" Asked Pippin again.

"I'm 35." answered Boromir with a smile. He had gotten fond of Merry and Pippin as well.

"well, you are not so older than me. And you Aragorn. How old are you?" Asked Pippin from Aragorn who was smoking.

"87." Answered Aragorn. Boromir and four hobbits looked at him with amusement.

"87? But you are a human. You must be old now." said Pippin.

Merry elbowed him. "He is one of the Dúnedain, you, idiot." He whispered. Aragorn didn't say anything but dropped his face.

"Ummm, okay, how old are you, Gandalf? I always wanted to know this." it was Sam who asked this time.

Gandalf who was smoking too, coughed several times and said something about foolish hobbits under his breath. Niphredil chuckled.

"Well, never ask such questions from a wizard, Sam." said Legolas.

"so, how old are you master Elf?" Asked Gimli.

"Elves don't count their ages, for the passing days of this world is not important for them." Answered Legolas.

"but you must know approximately." said Sam.

"well, not more than 2500." said Legolas.

"WHAT???" Merry, Pippin, and Sam cried together. Everyone laughed.

"2500??" Said Pippin and then looked at Niphredil. "then I won't be shocked if you be 2000 as well, my lady." he said.

"I'm 60." said Niphredil with a smile.

"Well, why I'm not shocked?" Murmured Sam and wrapped his cloak tighter around himself, while other hobbits were looking at Niphredil in disbelief.

Niphredil laughed. Merry cleared his throat. "Good. So, master Took, you can't protest anymore. I can still order you around." He said.
Pippin made a disgusted look and caused everyone to laugh.

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