Chapter 6: Vision of Amon Sul battle

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Almost one month had passed from Mirkwood incident. Lord Celeborn had not told Niphredil anything at her return nor he had punished her. He had just looked at her with sorrow and had gone after hearing her report without saying a word. that had broken her heart even more. She had told everything to Lord and lady about the ring and everyone was so worried.

Niphredil had no news from Gandalf, but she knew Frodo has moved from the Shire and headed for Imladris. Lady Galadriel had told this. Tom Bombadil had sent her this news.

Niphredil could feel the power of the ring. She could feel darkness grew stronger. She could feel his haste to find the ring, the one ring that would give him his full power.

for her comfort, Lótë had come back two weeks ago, and that means at least Aragorn had safely arrived at Fornost.

She was tired of just sitting and do nothing. But Lady Galadriel was always telling her that she had to wait and her time has not come yet.

She had something else to think about as well. The memory of the Prince of Mirkwood, his deep blue eyes, beautiful voice, and golden hair did not leave her mind for too long. Most of the time, in her solitude, when she was too scared about the ring and Frodo's life, his image made her calm almost instantly and it was strange for her.

That night, Niphredil was sitting in front of her mirror, combing her hair, drowned in her memories. She was too nervous and had focused her thoughts on Legolas to decrease her anxiety.

"You are combing for too long now. What has occupied the mind of my precious daughter so bad?" It was lady Galadriel who had come to her room without Niphredil's awareness.

Niphredil stood and turned to her. Blood rushed to her face like she had been caught during committing a crime. She was sure Galadriel knew what she was thinking about.

"Nothing important, my lady." She answered shyly.

Galadriel laughed and raised Niphredil's head with her finger. She peered into her eyes, it was like she could see Niphredil 's most secret thoughts. Galadriel laughed again, soft and beautiful and made Niphredil even more embarrassed.

"Sit down, Niphredil." Said Galadriel. Niphredil sat and Galadriel picked her comb and began to comb her hair. Both were silent for a moment.

"Do you have any news of Gandalf or the ring, my lady?" Asked Niphredil.

"No. but I feel the news will come soon. Good or bad, I can't tell." answered Galadriel.

Suddenly, Niphredil felt a bad feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. Her heartbeat increased and her breath hitched in her throat. "Niphredil? Are you ..." She didn't hear the rest of Lady Galadriel's sentence.

Suddenly she was on top of a hill, in a ruined fortress. She saw the white sprite of a little person on a ground and a shadow-sprite of a man with a crown who was approaching the little one with a blade. A Nazgul and a hobbit.

She guessed the hobbit must be Frodo Baggins. She was frightened beyond measure. Frodo had put on the ring and she could see his white sprite. She tried to shout, to do something, but it was like she was frozen in her place. The Nazgul tried to take the ring but Frodo pulled his hand away. The Nazgul then impaled Frodo with his blade. Niphredill screamed but no sound came out of her mouth.

Suddenly out of nowhere a man attacked the Nazguls with a torch and made them flee. Niphredil's vision blurred and she didn't see anything more.

She was back in her room, breathing like she had been running a long distance. She saw Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn's face, looking at her with fear and concern. She had been lied down on the ground and her head was in Lady Galadriel's lap. She tried to say anything but her throat was dry like a desert and she only coughed.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now