Chapter 2: Gandalf's call

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A/N: Once again, remember that underlined sentences are in Elvish.


Gandalf was sitting in a corridor that was leading to the dungeons of woodland realm in Mirkwood. He leaned on his staff. He was completely frustrated. Interrogating Gollum had led him nowhere. He had not said a useful word at all.

Aragorn was sitting on the ground, smoking. His face was grim too.

Gandalf sighed. Never before Gandalf the gray had felt that old and tired in his life. The only thing he wanted, was going to Lothlorien and rest in its healing time. Suddenly he remembered something. The memory of a year ago, when he was in Lothlorien for a short time between his trips. The memory of a soft voice and adsorbent brown eyes. "Whenever you need help, call me, Gandalf. I will come."

"Niphredil Elentary." He cried and jumped to his feet and made Aragorn surprised.

"What is it Gandalf?" asked Aragorn, but by that time, Gandalf was at the end of the corridor and getting out of the dungeons as fast as possible.

Aragorn ran to catch up with him. On the way out, he ran into Legolas who went along Aragorn.

"What happened? Gollum said something finally?" asked Legolas while he and Aragorn tried to catch Gandalf.

"not a word. But I think Gandalf has found something." said Aragorn.

They went out of the main gate and found Gandalf on the other side of the bridge, standing like a stone. Aragorn took a step to go there but Legolas stopped him. "Wait. He is in a deep concentration. Don't disturb him." he said and looked at Gandalf with his calm eyes.

They watched him, a gray figure in the darkness of the outside world. After some minutes they saw him turned to them and came back to the gates with a smile of satisfaction on his face.

"Mind to explain, old friend?" asked Aragorn when Gandalf reached them.

"Help is on its way." he said and went inside, left both of them confused.

Aragorn and Legolas looked at each other but didn't say anything. Gandalf was always like this. Don't interfere in Wizards business.


Niphredil was sitting on a swing near the Nimrodel river. There, was her favorite place in Lothlorien. The smooth song of the river made her calm. The words of her grandfather were flowing in her mind. The image of his sad eyes didn't leave her mind. She didn't want to make him worried at all. She too knew about her future. She had seen that once in Galadriel's mirror. She could still remember it, that madness, that horrible fear she felt, that cold darkness which nourished by pure malice and malevolence.

She sighed and closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt something. A twinkle in her mind and then words flowed in her mind. After a moment she opened her eyes. They were shining. The time had now come. It was a call she had waited for, for long. Gandalf needed her help.

She quickly went to her room. She had decided to leave secretly. She wore her Travel attire and wrapped her cloak around her and put her hood up. She picked her sword and bow and left her room and headed for the stable.

They had few horses in Lothlorien. But one of them was special and it was Niphredil's. A mare which had been named Lótë. Lótë means flower in common tongue. She was silver like Niphredil's hair and was one of the Mearas, fast like a wind. Niphredil herself had raised her.

Niphredil entered the stable soundlessly. Lótë sensed her presence and sniffed the air happily. Niphredil went to her and cuddled her head and caressed it. "Hello, dear friend. I should go on a little trip and I have to go as fast as possible. Will you take me there?" She said. Lótë nuzzled her nose to Niphredil's neck and licked her nose. "Good girl." Said Niphredil and turned to take Lótë out of stable but a sound stopped her.

"your grandfather will be angry." she quickly recognized her grandmother's voice. She was standing at the entrance of stable, impressive and mighty as ever.

"I know. But I should go. Mithrandir needs my help." replied Niphredil embarrassed and dropped her face.

Lady Galadriel looked at her lovingly. She loved her little grandchild so much. She put her finger under Niphredil's chin and raised her head and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. "I know how do you feel inside, Niphredil." she said. "You are right to help Mithrandir. Don't let the fear of darkness to stop you. Maybe the road is not that dark. Miracles can happen all the time. Go, my child and be careful. The blessing of me is always with you."

Niphredil hugged Galadriel tightly. "thank you, my lady. I will be careful." she replied and then mounted Lóte. "Go now, my friend. Go to Mirkwood from the closest path." she said and with that Lótë leaped forward and began to gallop and soon she was running faster than wind.

So Niphredil Elentary began her journey in the darkness of the night under the light of the full moon. Soon they were out of the borders of Lorien and not even the guards understood their passing.

Lady Galadriel came out of the stable. "Ride fast, my daughter." She whispered. "May the grace of Valar to protect you."

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