Chapter 7: battle at the Dimrill stair

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It was afternoon and they were a little away from Dimrill stair when both Niphredil and Finrod brought their horses to halt. They had a strange feeling of danger. They were standing on a clear area, surrounded by pine woods, on the slopes of misty mountains. The autumn's sun had gone behind the misty mountains and the sky was cloudy and dark. A thick fog had covered the trees and made it hard to see behind them. The horses were uneasy.

"Ride Lótë and leave here fast, Niphredil. I have a feeling that we are surrounded. We have made a mistake." said Finrod in low voice.

Niphredil shook her head and took her bow in her hand. "your horse is not as fast as Lótë. I won't leave you alone." said Niphredil.

"Just listen ..." Finrod couldn't finish his word. An arrow pierced his shoulder and at the same time, a pack of Orcs came out of the
shadows of the trees and attacked them. They were Orcs of Moria.

"Niphredil, run." shouted Finrod and pulled the arrow out of his shoulder. But Niphredil was busy. She shot the bow-orc in the matter of a second. Finrod killed three of them with his sword. Nipherdill killed two as well. One of the Orcs threw his blade at her. She dodged it but fell from the back of Lótë. She engaged with one of the biggest Orcs. The orc attacked her with his ugly sword with fast movements. Niphredil dodged every movement and then attacked and with one movement she cut off his sword-hand and kicked him in the gut. The Orc fell to the ground and Niphredill cut off his head. A loud roaring came from the trees and a cave troll came into the battlefield, followed by more Orcs.

The troll came to Niphredill right away. Finrod shouted from frustration and tried to open his way to her, but he was stopped by more Orcs. The troll spun his mace and attacked Niphredil who shot two arrows to his head but the arrows only made it more angry. Niphredil ran to the troll and bent backward to avoid his mace and then wounded his leg. The Elvish blade injured it badly. The troll screamed in pain and fell on its knees, but Niphredil didn't find a time to take a breath. Two Orcs attacked her. She killed one with fast motion of her sword and engaged with the other.

Suddenly a sound of a horn filled the area and Niphredil's opponent fell on the ground with an arrow in his neck. Niphredil raised her head and at the same moment, a group of the elf-riders came to the clearing but her happiness didn't last too long.

She felt a searing pain on her arm. An orc had used her distraction and had attacked her from behind. She turned but got kicked in the abdomen and fell on the ground. In a second, an ugly big Orc was on top of her and was squeezing her throat.

"You will regret leaving your home, she-elf. I'm thirsty for your blood." said the Orc with his nasty skirl voice.

"You will not see that day, Orc." said Niphredil through gritted teeth. She drew her hidden blade from her boot and impaled the orc on his side. The Orc screamed and released his hold. Niphredil kicked him away and sat on the ground, clenching her throbbing throat and breathed hard. A growl from the top of her head made her raise her head. The troll was just a meter away from her and had raised his mace. Her sword was a few meters away from her, on the ground. Just in time, a rider past her and shot two arrows straight into the troll's open mouth.

The troll swayed badly and began to fall exactly where Niphredil had sat. She tried to get out of the way but was not that lucky. Another Orc dived on her and pinned her to the ground on her back. She impaled his gut with her blade and before she could throw him away or do anything else, the troll fell on top of her and the orc. The rough and hard armor of the orc knocked hard on her chest and the last thing she heard was the sound of cracking of her ribs.


Niphredil came out of the darkness. She felt the cold wind on her face. She was covered in her cloak and a blanket and was on top of a horse in someone's arm. The scent of a forest after rain filled her nostrils.

Every movement of the horse was making an unbearable pain in her chest and she couldn't breathe at all. Before she was pulled back into the world of unconsciousness again, she saw a glimpse of deep blue eyes that were looking at her. She whispered one word before becoming unconscious. "Legolas!".


Frodo had just come from visiting Bilbo. It was a lovely afternoon. In fact, every minute was lovely in Rivendell. Sam had gone to find something for eating and Frodo had sat on a bench and was watching the valley that was shining in the afternoon sun. He heard noises and saw Gandalf, Elrond, Aragorn and a few of the elves running down the stairs with terrified faces. Curious, he followed them. When they arrived at the entrance of Rivendell, a group of elves rode in. they were not from Rivendell and they had two wounded with them. One of them had a wound on his shoulder. The other was wrapped tightly in a blanket, in the arms of one of the Elves. Elrond and Gandalf rushed to him. The elf came down from his horse with the person in his arms. He carried it like that person was made of a feature. Elrond pushed the covers aside and Frodo saw a glimpse of silver. Elrond said something to the elf. He nodded and together they left quickly. Gandalf and Aragorn helped the other injured man and they followed Elrond and the other elf. Frodo was standing far from them. So he didn't hear anything. But less than an hour later, he heard enough to know that the badly wounded elf was Niphredil Elentary from Lothlorien.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now