Chapter 14: Moria

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"Are you fine? You were quiet for most of the day." it was Legolas who took Niphredil out of her thoughts. Niphredil looked at him and sighed. "you know about this mines. About the evil that lies there." Answered Niphredil in a low voice, although they were talking in elvish.

"I do." said Legolas. "but there is no other choice. We can just hope to pass through the mines unnoticed."

Niphredil nodded. Legolas saw her fear and gently took her hand. Niphredil smiled at him and relaxed a bit.

"The walls ... of Moria." said Gimli, excited to see the old house of his kin.

Sheer rose the dreadful cliffs to unguessed height. But a big gray lake was upon them. They bypassed the lake and tried to avoid the streams of water that were flowing to the lake. So by the nightfall, they were under two old beach tree where the gates supposed to be.

"Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." said Gimli.

"Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten." said Gandalf and touched the flat rock.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Said Legolas in low voice and Niphredil chuckled.

"Well, let's see." said Gandalf and looked at the sky. The moon came out from behind the clouds and lit the wall. Soon, where the wizard's hands had passed, silver lines and words began to appear on the wall and draw a gate frame. At first, they were no more than pale gossamer-threads, so fine that they only twinkled fitfully where the Moon caught them, but steadily they grew broader and clearer until their design could be guessed. At the top, as high as Gandalf could reach, was an arch of interlacing letters in an Elvish character. Below, though the threads were in places blurred or broken, the outline could be seen of an anvil and a hammer surmounted by a crown with seven stars. Beneath these again were two trees, each bearing crescent moons. More clearly than all else there shone forth in the middle of the door a single star with many rays.

"There are the emblems of Durin!" cried Gimli. "And there is the Tree of the High Elves!" said Legolas. "And the Star of the House of Fëanor," said Gandalf. "They are wrought of ithildin that mirrors only starlight and moonlight and sleeps until it is touched by one who speaks words now long forgotten in Middle-earth. It is long since I heard them, and I thought deeply before I could recall them to my mind."

"What do you suppose that means?" Asked Pippin.

"That is plain enough," said Gimli. "If you are a friend, speak the password, and the doors will open, and you can enter."

"Yes" said Gandalf. Said Gandalf and then he began to say words in Elvish and strange languages. After some minutes. He stopped.

"Nothing's happening." Said Pippin.

"I once knew every spell in all the tongues of elves, men and orcs." Said Gandalf.

"What are you going to do, then?" Asked Pippin again.

"Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took! And if that does not shatter them and I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions, will try to find the opening words." Snapped Gandalf, frustrated.

Niphredil smiled and went to the young hobbit and put her hands on his shoulders. He looked at her. "He will find the way. Let him think." she said and Pippin nodded.

One or two hours passed and Gandalf had not found the words yet. Niphredil was watching Aragorn and Sam who were releasing Bill, their pony. "Mines are no place for a pony," Said Aragorn. "Even one so brave as Bill.".

"Bye-bye, Bill." Said Sam and caressed the pony's mane. He was so sad.

"Go on, Bill. Go on." said Aragorn. He then put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Don't worry, Sam, he knows the way home." Said Aragorn, trying to reassure Sam.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now