Chapter 19: the blossom of love

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Niphredil slowly opened her eyes. She was looking at the ceiling of her own bed. She was still alive. She looked around. It was night. She tried to sit but quickly got light-headed and lied again.

"You must rest still. You have lost too much blood and energy." The beautiful voice of her grandmother caressed her ear. Niphredil saw her. "my lady!" she said happily. Galadriel came and sat at the edge of her bed and took her hand and caressed her cheek. "You scared all of us, little one." She said with a smile. "the others." Said Niphredil. "don't be worry. They arrived here last night. Safe and sound." Said Galadriel. "that's good." Said Niphredil and closed her eyes.

Safe and sound. "Fly you fools." The last image of Gandalf filled her mind. He was hanging at the edge of the gap. Tears brimmed in her eyes. "my lady, ... Gandalf." She whispered and opened her eyes. "Shhhh. I know." Said Galadriel sadly. "Cry, Niphredil. let your grief to flow out. Don't hide your grief inside." She said quietly and Niphredil cried. Harder than ever, for Gandalf was so dear for her.

After some minutes, Niphredil calmed down. Galadriel wiped her tears. "Can you sit?" She said. Niphredil nodded and slowly sat with Galadriel's help and leaned against pillows. Galadriel took a glass from her bedside table and handed it to her. the Glass was filled with a golden liquid like a melted gold and smelled like a meadow in spring. Niphredil drank it and felt much relaxed.

"Niphredil!" Niphredil felt a great joy at the sight of her grandfather. Celeborn came at her side with a few long strides and hugged her. Niphredil almost had forgotten how much it felt peaceful to be in his arms. "It's so good to be home." She whispered and felt all the tension left her body. She raised her head and smiled at Celeborn. "I had missed both of you dearly." She said.

"And we missed you as well. It was so quiet around when you were not here to make any trouble." Said Celeborn with a smile. Niphredil chuckled and hugged Celeborn again. "Ada." Said Niphredil.

"I'm sending someone after Legolas. I'm sure he has not slept from worry." Said Galadriel. Niphredil felt heat rushed to her cheeks. Her heartbeat had quickened at hearing his name. "well I think that is a good idea." Said Celeborn. He turned to Niphredil. "He was sitting here from last night. I was forced to order him to go and have some rest. He seemed very fond of you.". Niphredil blushed more and made Celeborn chuckle.

Legolas didn't remember how he had climbed so many stairs to Niphredil's room. When the guard had told him that Niphredil is awake he had darted up the stairs and now he was at the entrance of her room. Her soft laughter came to his welcome. He went in. There she was, sitting between lilac covers in her sleeveless silver nightgown, like a diamond seated between petals. Her long hair had fallen to her waist freely. His heart fluttered at her sight. She was talking with Celeborn and Galadriel.

"You've come too fast." Celeborn's voice brought Legolas out of his thoughts. He bowed. Niphredil's eyes shone when she saw him. Her stomach flip-flopped.

"We leave you to talk." Said Galadriel and took Celeborn's hand who was not so pleased with the idea of leaving them alone, but he didn't say anything and left.

Legolas went closer and sat at the edge of the bed. "You look better. Finally, your face has gotten some color." He said quietly and took her hand gently and draw circles at the back of it.

"You were forced to carry me again. I'm sorry to always be a burden for you." She said shyly. "It was the less I could do for you. I must not let you got wounded." Said Legolas.

"It was not your fault," said Niphredil. "How's everyone?".

"They're fine. Yet they are worried about you especially the hobbits and Gimli." Answered Legolas and chuckled. "You must see him. He has changed a lot. His opinion had changed about the elves since he had seen Lady Galadriel.". Niphredil chuckled too. "I can imagine it. I want to see them. Can you help me out of bed?" said Niphredil.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now