Chapter 4: Gollum and memories

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A/N: Hello my dear fellows:) please take a few moments and tell me how is the story with your useful comments. Thank you a lot.


Legolas was watching Niphredil from top of the stairs. She had knelt before the cell, talking with creature Gollum. Everything seemed fine, but he had an increasing sense of stress.

Niphredil took her hand into the cell. Legolas moved on his feet uneasily. He changed his position so he could see the scene better. Gollum had taken Niphredil's stretched hand with both hands. One was in her hand and the other on her forearm. After a moment he saw something that made his blood frozen. Blood.

"Niphredil!" He shouted and flew down the stairs. At the same time, Gollum released Niphredil's hand and stumbled backward like he had been hit by a blast of energy. Legolas reached the unconscious Niphredil in time and took her limp body in his arms. She was pale and her hand was bloody. Gollum's nails had torn her clothes and flesh and had injured her deeply.

The others were on his side in an instant. Gandalf knelt beside him, put his hand on Niphredil's forehead and whispered a spell. She suddenly woke up and coughed several times. Her face twisted from pain. She took her injured arm with the other.

"Nazguls ... Baggins." Said Niphredil and her eyes found Gandalf. "Gandalf, you ... should go to the Shire, quickly ... Frodo ... he is in danger." Said Niphredil between her labored breathing.

"why? What did you see?" Said Gandalf. Now, he was worried too much.

"He knows about the ring. He knows Bilbo is the one who took it. Nazguls are on their way to Bag End." She replied and Gandalf's eyes grew wide from fear.

"First, we have to tend to you. You are bleeding. Legolas, help to take her to the healing rooms." Ordered Thranduil.

"There is no time for wasting." Said Niphredil and took Gandalf's hand. She let every information to flow into Gandalf's mind. It was finished in an instant.

Gandalf was frightened. "Shadowfax can take me there soon." Said Gandalf and together with Legolas, they helped Niphredil to stand on her feet.

She felt dizzy and swayed but Legolas took her again and steadied her.

Niphredil became aware of her surroundings and realized she was in arms of the Prince of Mirkwood. Her cheeks turned to a shade of pink. "Thank you." Said Niphredil to Legolas who was looking at her with deep concern.

"You must rest. You look pale." he said.

"I'm fine. Don't be worry." said Niphredil and then turned toward Gollum's cell.

"How is Gollum?" She asked. Gollum had returned to the bottom of his cell to his curved position and had his back on them. He was tired as well.

"He will be fine. Come now." Said Gandalf and helped her to climb the stairs. Little did they know that the little power that had flowed in Gollum had caused his good side to become more powerful and that would shape the fate of everyone in the not too far future.

"Gandalf, where are you going now? Shire?" Asked Aragorn. "I will go to Shire and you should go to the North. Tell Dúnedain to be alert more than ever. You must increase your guard on the Shire." said Gandalf.

"But there are miles between here and the Fornost. And he can't fly nor he has another Shadowfax too. It will take him at least one month to reach north." said Legolas.

Gandalf stopped. "We don't have this time." he said and turned to Niphredil who had leaned on Legolas' arm and was walking with his help.

"I need another favor, Niphredil. I need Lótë. She is as fast as Shadowfax and can take Aragorn with speed." said Gandalf.

"Just take me to her. I will tell her." answered Niphredil weakly.

"go and pack, Aragorn. You have to go as soon as possible. I'm leaving now. I will see you soon. Don't forget what I've told you." said Gandalf.

"I told my men to pack some necessities for your way, before. It's ready by now. I predicted you may want to leave so sudden." Said Thranduil to Gandalf.

"Thank you, my lord." said Gandalf gratefully. "Please take care of lady Niphredil as well." he bowed and then turned to Niphredil and gently put his hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for your help, my daughter. We would be too late if we didn't have your help. The last test must be taken and for the sake of all the free people of Middle Earth, I wish the result won't be what I fear. My heart tells me that soon we will meet again. Be careful Elentary." he said and kissed her forehead.

"So do you Mithrandir. Your way is more dangerous than mine." she Answered with concern but gave him a reassuring smile.

"I will send words to Radagast the brown to come and take you home. Your grandparents must be worried about you." Said Gandalf. Niphredil nodded in understanding.

"Tauriel, go with him to the gates and make sure all of his needs will be answered soon." ordered Thranduil.

Tauriel bowed. "yes, my lord." she said.

"farewell." said Gandalf and headed for the gates with Tauriel.

"Go, Aragorn. I will see you in the stalls and will introduce you to Lótë." Said Niphredil.

Aragorn nodded and quickly went to pack. She then turned to Legolas. "Please, show me the stalls." She said.

"But you have to promise to rest after that and let us clean your wound." said Legolas firmly. Niphredil smiled and nodded.

Thranduil heard this conversation and felt a strange thing growing in his son. A faint smile came to his face. Maybe after 60 years, his son could find happiness again.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now