Chapter 20: fears and hopes

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Niphredil had stood in the balcony of her room when she heard voices. "Lady Niphredil has ordered to not be disturbed by anyone." She heard the voice of one of the guards. Niphredil went to the corridor and saw her friends in the stairs, blocked by the guards.

"Rangrif, Helroth, let them pass. it's alright." She called the guards. They bowed to her and opened the way. "I've told you. Niphredil gave us her permission before." Said Pippin with pride and passed them.

"we didn't see you for a while, lassie. So we thought to pay you a visit." Said Gimli, quite happy to see her. Niphredil smiled and let them in. "I'm sorry. I was a little bit occupied in the last days." Apologized Niphredil.

"wow, you have a beautiful large room." Said Merry. Niphredil laughed. Just then, few maids came with a table and chairs for 9 people. They placed them at the center of the room and placed sweets and beverages on them. One of the maids placed nine glasses on Niphredil's small table. They then bowed and left.

"They treat you like their queen, my lady." Said Sam amused. Niphredil smiled.

"she is not their queen, but she is their princess." Said Aragorn. "Princess?" asked the rest in union. "I'm Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn's grandchild. So yes. Basically, I'm a princess." Said Niphredil. the look of amusement was funny on their faces. Aragorn laughed and Niphredil chuckled. Everyone sat and began to eat and talk. "so you are the princess of Lorien and Legolas is the prince of Mirkwook. Who is the superior?" asked Pippin. Niphredil moved uneasily at her chair at the mention of Legolas. "Legolas is more than a prince of Mirkwood. He is from the descendant of the great kings of Noldor." She answered and forced a smile. "my lady, are you fine? You look tensed." Said Frodo who was watching her. Niphredil stood. "I'm fine, Frodo. Thank you. Let me pour you something." Said Niphredil and went to her little table, where the glasses were put. Aragorn watched her sternly and stood and went to her side.

"where is the pointy ear himself? I had not seen him for a few days now. We thought he must be here with you." Said Gimli.

"he ... is busy. I will tell him to come and see you soon. So soon." Replied Niphredil. Aragorn went closer and saw her hands shaking. The others were laughing and talking and paid them no attention. Aragorn took the pitcher from her hands. "where is Legolas, my lady? I assume he is not here." He whispered.

Niphredil didn't answer for a moment. "he and my uncle, Haldir, went for a mission to Mirkwood as errands of my grandfather. They left 4 days ago and were supposed to be back early this morning. it's afternoon and they had not returned yet. We are all worried. Grandfather sent a group after them at noon." Niphredil whispered back. "why didn't you tell me? I could have gone with them." Said Aragorn now worried for his old friend.

"you needed to rest. It was good for them to travel with less number. Beoren was supposed to support them in his lands." Said Niphredil. She was worried sick for Legolas's safety.

"they will be fine. Come now, my lady. Don't tell anything to others." Said Aragorn quietly.

Niphredil nodded and went and sat again. They talked for a while and then the group left. Aragorn was the last person. "Please tell me when they returned." He asked her. "I will." Answered Niphredil. Aragorn bowed and then left.

It was late at night. Niphredil had lied on her bed when a guard came and told her that Legolas and Haldir had returned and are in the main hall, reporting to Lord Celeborn. She flew down the stairs and into the main hall.

"Go and rest, both of you need it." She heard Lord Celeborn. Then they turned and she saw them. They looked like they had just returned from a war. Her uncle was fine, but Legolas had a bandage around his arm, but other than that they looked fine. Legolas came forth and hugged her. she took his face in her hands. "you're injured." She said. "It's just a mere scratch." Said Legolas and kissed her forehead. "he only wants to look like a hero in front of you. It's a deep wound. Needs medical attention." Said Haldir who was watching them with a grin. "uncle, are you fine?" said Niphredil and went to Haldir and hugged him.

Niphredil Elentary (Legolas love story) / first bookWhere stories live. Discover now