Deadly Encounter

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                    The skies of Hell were a dark burgundy indicating it was early morning, even so, the Pentagram shined evermore giving some light to the darkness of Hell. A sign on top of a grand old building flickered, reading "Happy Hotel" for all to see and from its front doors two figures stepped out into the morning when all seemed calm and quiet. One eagerly making his way to a forest not far off into the distance and the other slowly dragging behind while yawning, it didn't take them long to arrive and enter the still darkened forest. Little by little the sky started lighting up, showing more of their surrounding as the hasty fellow was in search of something. Hell was a mysterious place because many residents were there as punishment for their mortal lives on earth, aside from city landscapes there was ample forest and wildlife to explore. This much was true because one of them was in search of something he was in dire need of,

"Al! Do we really have to be out here so damn early? Why am I even here?" The tired Demon whined as he was trying to keep up with the other,

"Yes, we do. I'm quite famished, and you are here to make sure that if anyone disturbs me, I can simply toss you at them. For my amusement of course," He chuckled lightly to himself as the tired one grumbled and yet he didn't seem surprised by the sentiment.

"I don't get it, why are we out here doing Hell knows what when we have a Chef at the Hotel?" He continued making his way through the shrubs of the forest, nature never was his thing. Getting dirty, twigs were ripping his clothes, and yet the other Demon didn't seem fazed by any of it while keeping a firm stride and holding a vintage microphone. He seemed to be following a scent or trail of some kind,

"We HAD a chef. I didn't appreciate his performance, and well one thing led to another, now we're out here hunting for breakfast." He couldn't help but laugh again but quickly went silent as the forest started to thin out when they neared a clearing. No longer tired, he wasn't surprised by the other's reasoning to harming another, nor was he surprised that there was a deer in the clearing grazing. Sighing he glanced over at his companion, Alastor the Radio Demon as he was known, stood perfectly still. His crimson eyes focused upon the animal, always smiling that creepy smile, and slowly emitting a black aura around himself.

"Well what are ya wai..." he was cut off by Alastor's hand clamping over his mouth.

"Quiet you," he dropped his staff allowing it to disappear while he made his way slowly into the clearing. Making his way towards the deer, it slowly lifts its head to see the Radio Demon making his way towards it, they both stood still. Caught in each other's line of sight,

"I've got you now." His face plastered with a disturbingly big smile while raising his hands allowing his claws to grow he prepared for the kill only to have it taken from him.  The deer cried out when an arrow made of black fire pierced its heart knocking it to the ground dead. His smile faltered while looking at the dead creature feeling his anger build from the fact that his fun had been taken away. The other Demon came out of hiding to run up behind him stunned as well,

"What happened?" Suddenly another voice came from across the clearing,

"Hate to spoil your fun, but that buck is mine." They turned to see a figure wearing a dark green cloak holding only a bow, his features were hidden from sight but clearly another demon of hell. Alastor's smile renewed as he turned to face this newcomer,

"Oh my, you don't say?"

                  The cloaked hunter focused on the two who had tried to take his hunt, looking closely at the one who was smiling for some God awful reason, he was dressed in a red and black suit. His tailcoat was slightly torn, and suddenly a staff or microphone of some sort appeared in his hands. His hair was as red as the rest of him aside from the black tips, he had small horns growing on top his head as well, and he wore a monocle on his right eye. The demon beside him looking worried glanced from the Red Demon to the cloaked figure. He was very pink, had four arms resembling a spider for sure and dressed very skimpy.

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