A Humble Presence

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"Oh, I knew it!"  Charlie seemed to be ecstatic about the information which was confusing to everyone else as to why the news seemed to delight her; she was literally jumping like a kid.  Devyn reverted raising his hands to calm her while bringing an index finger to his mouth shushing her,

"Please, Charlie do keep it to yourselves though."

"You're a Chef from Hell's Kitchen; I heard a little about you from my father.  You're one of the few Demons who is considered ancient; I mean what you've been around for a hundred years?"  Devyn chuckled while rubbing the back of his head feeling like an old man,

"Actually, I'm around two hundred, yeah I've been down here a long time.  Please, if I may ask that you all keep this to yourselves.  I've been trying to get rid of that name for a while, and so far I've managed to keep it to a few Demon's knowledge."  That much was true, he kept a low profile for various reasons but should they ever learn of his other title then he'd have something to worry about.  Looking to the others he saw that Angel and Vaggie were a bit surprised to hear how old he was, that went as far back as the 1800s, and he didn't look ancient or powerful.  Alastor however, grinning, wasn't very happy.

"So wait you've survived this long in Hell, how?"  Vaggie asked while stepping forward to stand close to Charlie, suspicious as always.

"Oh, I kept a low profile staying out of the line of fire and throughout some Demon's rampages," struggling to not look at Alastor, he could feel the Radio Demon peering holes into his face.  No one else seemed to notice.  "Even so, I'm more than happy to help you all and work here as your new Chef.  I promise you won't regret it."  Charlie clapped again; she really was an easily impressed Demonness.  After their exchange of information and the conclusion of his new employment, Devyn went about finishing dinner.  Later he returned to Charlie to state his conditions,

One:  Meals had a set time.  Breakfast would be from 7 am to 9 am.  Lunch from 1 pm to 3 pm.  Except on Sundays when brunch would be from 7 am to 2 pm.  Dinner would be from 8 pm to 10 pm.  Menus would be set out for all the members to see and decide if they wanted to eat, requests were welcomed but never assured.

Two:  No midnight snacking.  Devyn had glanced at Angel as he stated this rulemaking the Spider curse while pouting.  As for snacking during the day, permission was to be granted by the Chef.  Members were welcome to store their own food within their rooms.

Three:  Should members venture into the kitchen while the Chef is busy they would be asked to leave and should they refuse, they shouldn't ignore.  The kitchen can be a dangerous place, one could get hurt, and that would be the responsibility of the Chef.  Wouldn't want that, now would we?

            With that Devyn Bane had signed official papers stating he worked for "The Happy Hotel" and with that his new life began among the residents who sought redemption from the Hellhole that was their life.  In the span of a few days, he had moved a few things into his room to make it more his, clothes of the proper attire for a Chef and strangely pictures of cats.  Devyn had a love for cats, yet sadly couldn't own one, cat hair was truly troublesome when working in a kitchen one must be clean at all times.  He had explored the hotel several times, meeting new Demons and hearing many compliments of his food.  He found his way down the hall heading to the bar room before running into a small Demon whom he nearly tripped over since she was moving so fast,

"Forgive me, Miss, I barely saw you.  My you're fast for such a little thing."

"No that was my fault, sorry Mister.  My name's Niffty I help keep things clean in the halls among other things.  Hey, you're our new Chef, Mr. Bane right?"  The small Demon had a head of red hair, one adorably cute eye and a tiny body dressed in a red skirt with a small white tee.  She looked like a child, but one couldn't be sure of another's age in Hell,

Devil's Bane: An Alastor & OC TaleWhere stories live. Discover now