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                  Devyn couldn't believe how easy that was, Radio Demon, indeed — knowing that monster well enough to learn that Alastor was never one to mess with Demons who's capabilities revolved around sensual desires.  As such Devyn was never afraid of Alastor, to begin with, he just had to play him well enough to keep the secret from Charlie.  In truth, he had left a few facts out in their conversation because being an Incubus wasn't a big deal in Hell.  Many other Incubi and Succubi roamed and fed on others, their victims would be weak but eventually, recover after the ordeal, and there were a few problems with mind control, but again there were no severe cases of either Demon creating major havoc in Hell.  Unfortunately, Devyn was a different matter.  Like Alastor, he too manifested in Hell with incredible power that derived from the evil that twisted in his soul upon entering Hell it didn't take long for him to lose himself in the rush of energy he obtained by absorbing it from others.  Unlike other Incubi, Devyn could take one's life by feeding on them long enough, draining the life from their body.  After a time though, Devyn fought that urge and just decided what he needed to function throughout the day, finding those who sell themselves on the street to where he would only need a moment to caress or make out with but nothing more than that.  Teleporting from the Hotel to other locations took a bit of power each time, so he had to feed more often and now with Alastor knowing only a slight truth about him, maybe the Radio Demon would leave him be.

               With the kitchen being covered by Sunny, Devyn finished dressing to enjoy a casual outing.  Wearing black jeans with combat boots, a midnight blue dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and the top two buttons were undone to reveal a bit of his collarbone.  Grabbing his black coat he left his room to head down the hall towards the lobby, passing a few Demons who said 'Morning' and asked about the menu that day.  Polite and proper as always, Devyn spotted Angel sitting in one of the Lobby couches and remembering what happened last night he realized how he had treated his friend.  Heading towards the relaxing Spider Demon, Angel looked up from the magazine he was reading to see the Chef dressed in an attire he'd never seen him in before.

"Whoa ho, Dev, looking pretty sexy there!  You not working today or somethin'?"

"No, I have the day off today.  I came over to apologize for my behavior last night; I didn't mean to dismiss you so rudely.  I'm sure you were just concerned for my well being."  Angel couldn't stand how hot Devyn was when he spoke the way he did, he usually wouldn't go for guys like Devyn, but there was something that drew Angel to him.  He stood up then, leaning close to the other Demon while speaking in a low seductive way.

"You uh, want ta make it up ta me?  I mean the way you're dressed going out for a fun time could be a start ta get back in my good graces."  He circled the Chef coming to stand behind him as he placed his arm around Devyn's shoulders to lean on him, at that Devyn laughed nervously jumping away from the Spider.

"T-that sounds like a marvelous idea, Angel, but it's not even noon yet perhaps we can go later in the evening?"  The idea of going out to party or drink this early didn't sit well with Devyn, not that he could drink or do any of those things anyway.  Angel seemed to have noticed his discomfort in touching him, still, he wasn't known to back down that easy.  He advanced towards Devyn,

"Come on; it'll be fun.  We haven't spent any time together since ya got here," with Angel getting closer and closer Devyn didn't know what to do but give in so that the other wouldn't start molesting him or something.

"Alright, if you insist let's go out and have some fun?"  He accepted as Angel smiled happily,

"Great! Let's go; you're buying!"  Before Devyn could stop him, Angel was pushing him through the front lobby doors his hands upon his back making Devyn feel a slight buzz from the feel of Angel's energy slowly seeping into him.  The sounds of protest were heard as they left the lobby.

Devil's Bane: An Alastor & OC TaleWhere stories live. Discover now