Little Bird and the Coatrack

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                      A/N:  Special Thanks to DeathByGooey

                     For Helping RolePlay Events Within The FanFic and More To Come.

In the lobby of the Hotel, Charlie was pacing back and forth filled with worry because the priest that is going to perform the ceremony still hadn't shown up and it was nearing the time for which preparation and set up was starting. Vaggie watched as she did this sighing she kept calling to find out what happened with the damned priest, the staff was looking worried as well then Alastor entered to see the others there. He walked towards Charlie to ask,

"What's going on, Charlie?" She looked up at the other; her face strained with worry.

"The priest who's supposed to be here by now isn't here, and we don't know what to do!" She ran her hands down her face, pulling at her eyes as she groaned walking off towards Vaggie. It was a problem seeing how with everything planned, the 666 news reporters were there to take note of the First Wedding at the "Happy Hotel" and the priest was late. Making sure this event went off without any problems was the goal and so far it was looking really bad, Alastor didn't like this any more than they did but he was still thinking of what happened in the kitchen moments ago. His body was still feeling strange and he hated it, at that moment Devyn had also entered the Lobby looking confused. He saw Charlie about to be in tears with Vaggie then turned to see Alastor who was glaring at him, Devyn smirked as he walked over to the Radio Demon.

"What's the problem here?" Alastor just ignored him, of course still keeping that grin on his face. Devyn chuckled as he realized he was going to ignore him, feeling mischevious Devyn went to stand closer making the other tense.

"Don't come near me." He muttered under his breath as Devyn just smiled innocently,

"Tell me what's going on?"

"The Priest is late," Alastor simply answered.

"Well, that's unfortunate, kind of funny to have a priest down here in Hell, isn't it?" Again Alastor didn't answer him, Devyn couldn't help but be amused by the way the other was acting if he didn't know any better he'd say the Radio Demon was scared.

"Alastor, what's the matter? You're not scared of weak little ol me are you?" That was the last straw. Bringing his staff up to glow red, he turned to face the Chef growling but still with his smile upon his face. His eyes becoming more deadly,

"You're pushing it, Chef, keep it up and you'll see just how weak you are!" Static began to appear, it was a good thing they were on the farther side of the Lobby as Devyn's eyes shifted while he brought his hands up covering them in black fire.

"Don't be stupid Alastor, it's not worth risking the Hotel to see which of us is stronger." Truthfully, Devyn was feeling a bit too mischievous at the moment. Just as the fight was starting, an ominous aura filled the air and with it, Devyn's flames were slowly disappearing. He looked confused, Alastor had been about to take his chance when he felt his microphone die instantly. Now both of them were stunned, that air grew with time as if something was arriving at the front doors, suddenly with a big gust of wind the doors did fly open to reveal the one being no one ever wanted to see.

"Charlotte, I'm here my sweet little girl!" Lucifer was there, standing in front of them all, the entire room filled with fear at the sight of the King of Hell. Charlie shouted in excitement as she ran to her father giving him a hug, both Devyn and Alastor stood frozen like deer caught in headlights.

For those who had never met Lucifer, they would never know the reason their powers no longer worked, the King of Hell had the power to nullify another Demon within thirty feet of his proximity. Which would explain some details as to how a certain Radio Demon's rampage had ended all those years ago.  Probably.

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