End of the Line

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                After cleaning the kitchen Devyn had made a phone call, hastily he made his way out the back door towards the alley behind the "Happy Hotel," and once he felt he was far enough, he sensed her before seeing her.  She glided down to land in front of him, a Demoness with blood red skin and strong webbed wings, wearing very little to conceal her body.   The Demoness didn't hesitate to press Devyn against the brick wall, and in that instant, his eyes darkened with lust, his cheeks became flushed, and his breath heavy in the cold air.  She began unbuttoning his shirt revealing a well-muscled pale chest; her hands caressed his skin running along his ribcage.  Her eyes glowed white in the darkened alley; her wings fluttered behind her.  Grinding against the Chef her voluptuous body was in his embrace, his own hands ran along her rear and back as if holding on for dear life.  She giggled only to be cut off by Devyn's mouth latching onto hers, feeding on her hungrily she then broke the kiss pulling back with a laugh.

"Oh, is my little Devil hungry?"  She purred grasping his face; he growled baring his fangs.

"Shut it, you're holding back damn it.  If you're not going to help me..."  She cut him off hissing at him while grabbing his face roughly,

"Don't talk like that to me; I'm not some whore off the street Devyn!"  He chuckled as his eyes turned black, his silver irises peered into the Demoness' white eyes, he leaned forward to lick at her neck.

"I'm sorry; do forgive me Slyvaia."  He was coaxing the desire out of her; she couldn't help but giggle as he played with her body.  Truly a Devil's Bane.  She then pushed off him flapping her wings; he stumbled back by force looking up at her aggravated.

"You bitch,"

"Maybe another time, my little Devil, when you're more mannerly."  She laughed taking flight, disappearing into the night once again.  Devyn was left with his hunger slightly satisfied, cursing he ran his hand through his hair sighing heavily.  He barely had a little taste, angry and hungry; he turned to head back towards the hotel where he entered through the back door to see both Angel and Alastor in the kitchen.  Just great.

"What are you two doing in here, the kitchen's closed?"  Devyn stated more clearly as the two Demons turned to face him, surprised by where he had come from Angel spoke first.

"Where were ya Dev?  Out for a smoke, thought you was tired?"

"I was taking out the trash; now I'm retiring for the night so if you'd please be kind enough to leave."  Angel frowned slightly but turned to leave the two alone, of course, Alastor wasn't going to leave that easily.  The Radio Demon held his staff, as usual, his smiling face peering at Devyn with distrust.  Devyn's hunger and irritation was getting to him as he tried to keep his patience,

"You're hiding something, Devyn Bane, I will find out what.  And when I do, you will be gone either from the Hotel or from Here, permanently."  Devyn had wondered if Alastor practiced these kinds of lines, standing there crossing his arms, knowing how weak he was at the moment he decided to go along with the game Al wanted to play.

"What could I possibly be hiding and why?  I've done nothing but lend a hand in helping the Hotel become successful in achieving Charlie's goals which you seem to dislike,"  The Radio Demon's eyes squinted at Devyn, he slowly motioned to close the gap between the two of them while continuing.

"Yes, you have gotten a lot of attention for the 'Happy Hotel,' but I don't buy that nice guy act of yours." He twirled his staff to bring it up while looking at it, "No one's that perfect especially here... in Hell."  Devyn sighed heavily rubbing the left side of his face tiredly,

"I get it; you're distrustful of others especially me seeing as I'm older than you.  I'm just honest, kind and genuinely care for others, its how I was in life and that didn't change when I came down here.  How else could I serve food that lifts others to feel good about themselves, you can't do that for others can you Al?"  Alastor chuckled, he could see the other growing weary, and with him blocking the exit from the kitchen he was going to get answers this time.  No more interruptions.

"No, you're quite right in that endeavor, but others have noticed that you don't eat any of it yourself?  I find it odd, not to mention what happened earlier with Angel.  You were going to let the poor man fall, how very insensitive of you.  Tell me, do you have problems with others touching you?"  It was strange for Alastor to be asking that question, considering he didn't like to be touched unless it was with his consent.  If that was the case, Alastor wasn't entirely sure that his reasons were the same as his.  Something about it seemed dangerous.

"You know you're very nosey about all this; there's nothing here that I've done wrong.  So what if I don't eat when you all can see me?  Charlie has no problems with me; it's you who's jealous of how the attention is on me because of the fuck up you did back in the forest.  That's what you're mad about," and there it was.  The sound of a snap as Alastor's grip upon his staff tightened with the rising of shadows that came from the smiling Demon, the air filled with that demonic static.  Devyn braced himself stepping farther away but with little room in the kitchen, he wasn't going to be able to escape this time especially with his power so low.

"You love taunting and twisting my words, Devyn, but this time you're not getting away with it."  The Radio Demon lunged with his claws, Devyn cursed as he leaped back avoiding the first grab while summoning his flames along his arm to swipe back at Alastor's face.  Attempting to blind the crazed Demon, he ducked down to roll across the kitchen floor where he broke into a run for the door, to his dismay the shadows that surrounded them slammed into his back crushing him to the tile nearly breaking it from the impact.  He gasped coughing a little blood that ran down his chin, held there by the force of the shadow and there was nothing he could do.

"Why don't you simply teleport away, Devyn?  Too kind and weak to fight back?"  His voice sounded like that creepy radio tone; it sent a shiver of fear through him as he tried to look back at the Radio Demon closing in on him.  His face held that giant grin, his eyes were dials, and his horns had grown longer.  The staff glowed in his hands a bright red, flaring brighter, it made the shadow crush him again causing him to cry out spitting more blood.  A chuckle of delight came from Alastor, seeing he had the Chef where he wanted him, and no one was going to save him this time.  He came to stand next to the pinned Demon, kneeling down enough to speak directly near Devyn's face.

"Devyn, let me make this as simple as possible for you to understand.  Your fun here is over and done with, from now on either you play by my rules... or you don't play at all."  This was it, Devyn thought, the Radio Demon had him pinned, and if he didn't make the right choice, he'd possibly die by the hands of a Demon he had avoided for centuries.  He struggled to speak while trying to clear his throat,

"I-I... understand... Alastor..."

"That's a good, Chef, see you're learning."  His voice returned as his form shifted back, the shadows slowly receded as Devyn felt the pressure lift from his body.  A broken rib maybe, definitely bruising just like last time.  He came to sit on his knees holding his side in pain; he kept his face turned from Alastor as shame and defeat were there.  The Radio Demon tilted his head looking at the fetal positioned Chef, lifting his staff to bring it to Devyn's chin he forced the defeated Demon to look at him.

"Now, tell me what are you, Devyn Bane?"

Devil's Bane: An Alastor & OC TaleWhere stories live. Discover now