Deal Making

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A/N: Contains Scenes That Could Trigger Readers, You Have Been Warned.

                Alastor froze as he heard the Devil's terms, seeming conflicted as he thought about something from when he first arrived at the Hotel.  He had made a Deal with Charlie, he would help her with the Hotel and in protecting the residents from certain harm or dangers, the Radio Demon's actions outside the Hotel would be tolerated.  Seeing as Devyn had decided to leave the Hotel, even considering this Deal of Lucifer's didn't sit well with him for other reasons, reasons he himself wasn't sure of but before giving an answer Charlie made her way over.  She looked from her Father to Alastor, the Radio Demon went to remove the bandage around his arm to show her he was now healed and she gave her Father a hug.

"Thank you for that but now we should go after Devyn I mean what if this Slyvaia kills him for real this time?"  Lucifer seemed to tense, he did not want his Daughter to get involved with this at all.  Looking at the Radio Demon, he wasn't sure what the other was going to do when it came to that little deal but he smiled putting a hand on the other's shoulder.

"Alastor here has offered to help him, Devyn is leaving the Hotel but the two of them together should be able to handle it now that they are on the same page. Isn't that right?"  The Devil's intentions were to keep Charlie out of it, get his blade and his Little Bird even if it meant leaving the Radio Demon with Charlie.  She seemed to like him more than the Incubus anyway.  Alastor fought to ignore the hand upon him as he smiled at Charlie,

"Ah, Yes!  I was about to go out and find him, hopefully, this ordeal will be over soon!"  He turned to head towards the front doors, before he could though Charlie motioned forward to grab his arm looking up at him worriedly.  He glanced down at her somewhat surprised,

"Please be careful.  I don't want anything to happen to my Dear Friend, either of you two."  Alastor's grin never faltered but his eyes might have shown the emotion he felt as he heard her words, he placed his hand upon hers then turned to leave the Hotel. With the Radio Demon gone, Charlie turned to her Father with a much more serious look on her face, Vaggie knew this look well as she went to push Angel to take a seat on the lounge chair.  Lucifer seemed to notice this and looking at his Daughter as she came up to him with her hands on her hips,

"Okay, spill Dad, what is the deal between you and Devyn?  You knew what he is but for some reason, he kept it from me?  How come?"  Lucifer sighed as he looked away, he didn't really care to keep the other's secret so he answered.

"Devyn used to be known as Devil's Bane, a title others gave him shortly after he left us, Dear.  He's a very powerful Incubus who can feed on other Demons and kill them when he has full intercourse with them.  Unfortunately, when he does get fully fed he becomes well a Demon, unfeeling towards others and in doing so he terrorized others while controlling his territory as the Overlord he was at the time."  Upon hearing this a gasp came from Angel as Vaggie looked worried, Charlie felt shocked but she hid it as she asked.

"When did he stop?  I've never heard of this," Charlie glanced at Vaggie as she hadn't been in Hell very long and even she knew of the Radio Demon before Angel did.  Lucifer rubbed the bridge between his eyes,

"I'm not quite sure but he did stop, he started to starve himself so that he could maintain his sanity and do the things he has been for other Demons while running his restaurants.  A starved Incubus isn't very safe to be around though because they start draining on touch and as for why he didn't tell you?  I imagine he thought you'd judge him on his past and how he was," Charlie sighed heavily as she processed this news concerning Devyn, she could see why he wanted to hide it but it still hurt that she considered him a friend but he hadn't trusted her to accept him as he was.  Then again, did the Incubus have anyone else in his life that did know him?  The Demoness called Slyvaia was his friend but was that all he had besides her Family that helped him when he first arrived in Hell, all these thoughts running through Charlie's mind she couldn't help but feel sad for Devyn.  She hoped Alastor could help him.

Devil's Bane: An Alastor & OC TaleWhere stories live. Discover now