Devil's Bane & the Radio Demon

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A/N:  Chapter Photo Artwork done by Diana G.  Devyn Bane & Alastor

                    ~Two Months Later~

                 It had been a while since the two started Dating and so far they had their ups and downs with the relationship, sometimes Devyn would faint from starving because he never went to Alastor to feed unless the other initiated the intimacy.  At the same time, feeding Devyn would allow him to go for about four days before having to feed again on the Radio Demon and not once did it tire the other out.  Devyn was just giving Alastor his space.  Alastor didn't know how to keep track of when he should touch the other, that's when Devyn explained to Alastor that touching any time was fine.  He didn't feed automatically when touched, he knew how to control it and after that Alastor had felt somewhat silly from it all.  Although, they never went farther than kissing, hugging, and cuddling the two did take the time to learn certain things about one another.  For instance, Alastor's ears were indeed very sensitive as one day Devyn was relaxing in the library when Alastor came to join him and taking out a book he went to lay his head in the other's lap.  Devyn looked surprised but didn't say anything as he automatically went to play with the other's hair only to hear him start to purr.  Touching his ears left the Radio Demon quite vulnerable and after a time he drifted to sleep, not long after Angel saw the two in the library.  He grinned as he wanted to pet Alastor too, but Devyn's eyes shifted black as he growled saying "Mine."  Angel pouted but gave up and left them alone, meanwhile Alastor chuckled to stare at Devyn.  "Glad you think so fondly of me,"  Devyn blushed as he looked away and answered. "I don't think fondly of you actually, I think the world of you."  Alastor sat up to kiss the other after hearing him say that.  It was a bond the two worked at each day learning new things and how to respect each other's boundaries.

                  Time spent in Hell is all about how one does it and where most Demons find themselves is having a good time at the club called "Incubus Dreams," where many found themselves having the time of their afterlife.  The crowd was bustling, the music was booming as act after act went on stage and while Devyn was running things behind the scene.  Alastor sat at the bar talking with Husk and Mimzy whom he invited to join them, Devyn did his best not to let the fact that Mimzy kept trying to touch Alastor and be frisky with him.  Even going so far as to break a glass he was holding while behind the bar, the shards cut into his hands and Vance freaked out from the sight.  The commotion made Alastor glance over and the scent of the other's blood always called to him.  When the two kissed sometimes the Radio Demon would nick him and tasting the other's blood seemed to give him a high for the Incubus which was to be expected.

"Its nothing Vance, I'll heal just clean up the mess while I go check on the acts tonight."  As he left Alastor watched him head to the back, normally he'd tell him where he was going so seeing Devyn act this way well he could only guess it was because of Mimzy.  He excused himself from his friends to head to the back as another act went on stage, apparently, it was a Couples night at the Club. How ironic.

            Alastor made his way through the employee doors to see the many performers in the back all getting ready to go on stage, seeing Devyn speaking with his director about what acts were going on.  Alastor could hear the kind of music that was playing, he chuckled as he made his way towards Devyn.  He used his Microphone to tap the other's shoulder as if Devyn didn't already know he was there, he could always sense the Radio Demon.

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