Devil's Desire

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A/N: Contains Scenes That Could Trigger Readers, You Have Been Warned.

            As Devyn and Alastor made their way back to the Hotel, the wound was getting worse along the other's arm and Devyn worried for his recovery.  Entering the lobby they would be greeted by Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie who all looked both worried and guilty for what happened.  Charlie motioned forward first and saw the wound on his arm, she took hold of it carefully looking concerned.  Angel came to the Radio Demon's side as well,

"We heard what happened Al, that chick sure is a bitch.  Who is she to ya anyway?"  

"Someone I angered during my initial rampage, honestly didn't think someone could hold a grudge for that long!"  As Charlie took hold of Alastor's hand to lead him back to his room all the while explaining what had happened while he was away, the News had come after hearing a tipoff about a murder within the Hotel.  This was Hell and usually, murders didn't matter but when it involved the Happy Hotel thing were different when it was about the Royal Family and the project of redeeming Demons.  The video showing Alastor killing the Demon had been a fake, revealing on the way down the hall that the Media Demon, Vox, had hacked into the security footage to alter it.  The Radio Demon, of course, shook his head at the annoyance of Vox, his rival, the Demon had been a pain in his side from time to time.  While they all took Alastor to his room, Devyn stood wearily in the Lobby as a presence appeared from the shadows behind him.

"Oh, Little Bird, it seems you've recovered our Coatrack?  How quaint."  Upon hearing that voice, Devyn turned with a surprised expression,

"What are you doing back here?"

              As they arrived at his room, Charlie helped Alastor to his bed and politely asked if he would remove his coat so she could see his arm clearly.  He grumbled but complied as she saw the festering wound, she knew what weapon had made it but instead of saying anything she went about cleaning it with hot water and some ointment to stop infections.  Alastor's own Power and Will would have to do the rest seeing as the wound wasn't too deep, Angel stood on standby with Vaggie outside the room.

"We're really sorry for blaming you for what happened, we know how you can be but I never believed you would do something like that in the Hotel."  Alastor held his smile as Charlie cleaned his wound, normally he would never allow another to aid him, let alone touch him but seeing as the Princess was who she was, he didn't fight her.  Hearing the sincerity in her voice, he glanced at Angel and Vaggie who held the same look as if feeling guilty for considering such a thing.  When she was done, she went about wrapping and making sure it would be covered for when it healed.  Alastor went about putting his coat back on and fixing his attire,

"I'm glad you're safe, the nerve of that horrible woman out to get you. Thank goodness Devyn went out for you as soon as you left."  Charlie knew Devyn had left even through the chaos that was going on, the thought of the two becoming friends made the Princess smile as Alastor looked at her oddly.

"Yes, he did come after me.  As for your apologies, I accept them, we have been through a lot together and I can imagine how easy it would seem that I would be responsible for such a thing."  Glancing at Angel and Vaggie once more as they smiled awkwardly, the Radio Demon returned the smile as he looked towards Charlie.

"I don't know how the two Demons worked together to sabotage us but I'm sure Devyn and my Father will work it out, they're good friends after all."  She smiled as the Radio Demon took a moment to realize what she was implying,

"Wait a moment! Your Father is here? Now?"

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