Chapter 2 - Guest or Intruder?

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Two days had past and my mother wouldn't let me out of her sight. She made me call the bed and breakfast and cancel my reservation in front of her. The woman knew how to get what she wanted. She'd peppered me with questions, my father always nearby but just as silent as ever. I couldn't make up my mind if I was an unwelcomed guest in the home or a prodigal son returning from a long absence.

I'd managed to keep my work life simple to my mother. I didn't want her to know too much. She wasn't a gossiper, but when she got together with her friends and opened a bottle of wine everything was out on the table and in the open. Shipping was pretty cut and dry and very confidential; but the second someone started snooping around while arousing questions was when my jumpy clients suddenly expressed their nervousness in a not so friendly manner.

My mother had seemed satisfied with my simple answer. Maybe she saw the hesitation in my eyes and decided it wasn't worth pushing me further on the topic. Or maybe she decided that she didn't want to know more in case it wasn't just what I told her. Whatever the reason, I left the topic alone just as quickly as she had.

"Could you pass the carrots, dear?" My mother waited for me to pass the bowl of cooked carrots her way. She had outdone herself at every meal since my arrival and tonight was no different.

"Well, Mason, you've been here for two days now. Are you going to tell us why you came?" My father stopped eating to focus on me.

My mother's hand froze on the bowl of carrots. Her wide eyes quickly narrowed as she glared at my father. "Honey!"

He glanced at her, arching both brows. "What? I think it's time our boy was honest with us. Is he here for money?"

Chunks of potatoes flew out of my mouth onto my plate as I coughed and sputtered. "Money?"

Pulling away from the table, my mother started tapping my back with one hand and poured me some more water with her other hand. Rarely did I see my mother's wrath, but I could hear it as she spoke. She glowered at my dad, making her disapproval duly noted. "Honestly?"

"No..." I coughed, taking a quick sip of water. "It's a valid question."

Setting down his fork, my father stared me down. I wasn't sure what answer he was expecting to hear, but I would be honest with him. They at least deserved that.

"I own my shipping business, dad. I'm doing well for myself. I'm here to mend bridges." I stared my father down, even as his eyes narrowed and evaluated my honesty. I wanted to look away. My father had always demanded respect from me; now was no different.

After a long few seconds he hummed his acknowledgement, not breathing a word back. Adding a nod to his response, he picked his fork back up and continued eating.

I could feel my mother's hand on my shoulder. She gave it a quick squeeze and flashed me a look of sympathy. Returning to her seat, she forked a carrot. "So, Mason, is there a woman in your life? Do you have a family?"

I nearly choked again. Part of me was surprised that she hadn't asked me this question sooner, but even with the expectation of her asking me it it still caught me by surprise. "Umm... Well the shipping business takes a lot of my time."

"So you're still single?" A sparkle of hope lit up her eyes. It terrified me!

"Where are you going with this, mom?" Taking a bite of roast, I focused on her.

"That Harper Grace opened up a café in town." I'd be lying if I didn't say those words sparked a little interest.

"Mom..." I groaned, but part of me wanted her to go on. What was Harper up to these days? She'd had so many dreams. Part of those dreams was escaping this place.

"You two were pretty serious back when you were in high school. Weren't you?" She very well knew that we were. I couldn't believe where she was going with this. I didn't even want to guess.

"I'm pretty sure you have our prom picture, mom. Besides, I don't have time for a relationship." I shook my head, trying to deter her from playing matchmaker. "I'm only staying for a few days."

"I know." She spoke quietly, but I could see that deviousness lingering in her blue eyes as she picked at another carrot. "It wouldn't hurt to say hi, though. I mean, while you're here."

Letting out a deep breath I stared across the table into the kitchen. She was right. It wouldn't hurt. Then again, I had left quickly without breathing a word to my then girlfriend. Rubbing the back of my neck I had a feeling seeing her would do more damage then good. Then again, I was here to mend bridges. This was another situation that needed to be resolved.

Curiosity played at my mind. I wondered what Harper looked like. It'd been almost a decade. We both had changed. Her red hair and green eyes messed with my mind. Slowly I looked back at my mother. "Okay."

"Okay?" Her forked stopped seconds before hitting her mouth. She stared at me, waiting for me to repeat what I'd just said.

"Okay." I could see her excitement begin to bloom. "On one condition."

"You're giving me --- your mother --- conditions?" She arched a brow, setting her fork down on her plate.

"I am." Giving her a single nod, I casually took another bite of roast. Her impatience made me fight off a smile. Slowly swallowing my dinner, I took a sip of water and cleared my throat. "I'm going alone. I'm not risking you intervening."

Her defiance met her eyes as she stared at me. She was fighting not to argue. Giving an exasperated sigh, she shrugged. "Fine, but you need to tell me details after. Deal?"

I snorted at her request. I couldn't help it. "Mom, you do know I'm an adult, right?"

"You will always be my baby boy, Mason." Her voice was dead serious. "Promise me you'll tell me what happens."

"Fine, but I may abbreviate some of it." I knew she wouldn't drop it until I agreed. I fought not to roll my eyes at her pouty face. "Don't give me that look, mom. At least I'm giving you something."

Sighing, she went back to finishing her meal. "I suppose."

"Leave him alone, dear. He's our son, not some gossipy girl that tells you their life story." My father chiming in surprised me. I'd almost forgotten he was there except for the occasional scraping of his fork as he stabbed some innocent piece of food. I was even more surprised that he was sticking up for me.

I still didn't expect him to forgive me, but at least he was to the point of defending me within days of my return. It was progress in one area. Harper was a whole other story. I didn't want her to hate me, but I expected it. Seeing her again would be interesting to say the least.

Unforgivable Secrets | One Mistake Away Series Bk 1 [Mob Romance]Where stories live. Discover now