Chapter 21 - Painful Confrontations

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CONTENT WARNING!: Graphic torture in the beginning of this chapter.


Harper's POV:

Blood dripped from my gloved hands. I could feel the splatter hit my face, speckling it. I stared at the whimpering man in front of me. His eyes were wide, his face wincing in pain. The human side wanted to feel bad for him, but he'd brought out my animalistic side. I had no room for mercy.

Squatting down, I balanced on my ankles. "I have fifteen men dead because of a rat. I have no room for mercy, Shawn. You thought it was rough when I cut off your thumbs. It's going to be much rougher if you don't tell me what I want to know."

"I...I...I... don't... know." He blubbered out, tears streaming down his face. He was probably in his thirties, not as filled out as he could be, and weak.

Sliding a knife under his chin, I titled his head up. "That's not the answer I want to hear, Shawn."

"I'm... telling... the... truth." He sniffled; the sound being more annoying than sad.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up, taking a few steps away as I regarded what he said. "That's what they all say. Usually it's a lie."

"It's not! I swear!" He shook the chair from where he was tied up. It was as though he thought the noise would add to his desperate pleas. It didn't.

Stretching my neck, I listened to it crack into alignment. Or, at least I hoped that's what the noises were from.

Twisting around, I sauntered back up to the man. Staring at him, I watched him shake under my gaze. Without warning I slammed the point of the knife down on his little finger. The membrane fell from his hand as more blood gushed out.

I waited for his screams and whimpers to die away before bracing my hands on his wrists. Glaring at him, I didn't keep my voice quiet, I screamed at him. "Tell me what I want to know!"

"No amount of torture will get you answers. I don't know... anything." The agony could be seen in his eyes and the wrinkles in his forehead.

Running my tongue over my teeth, I tried to remain patient. "Our source has never been wrong. If he says you know something, then you fucking know something. Shawn..." I watched him look away.

My lip twitched as I reached for his chin and forced him to look in my direction. "Look at me, Shawn. Tell me who the mole is."

"I... don't... know." His brows rose as he spit the words at me.

Releasing his chin, I slammed the knife down into the middle of his hand. I didn't watch the knife go down, I kept my gaze steady on his eyes. I ignored his screams as I pulled the knife out. "Tell me what I want to know!"

"I can't tell you anything!" He screamed, clearly feeling the complex of not believing he was heard. I understood that. I felt like I wasn't being heard. Yet here we were.

"Can't or won't?" My voice remained at a dangerously low level. Anyone that knew me knew that the forced patience in my voice was a facade. It was a flirt between having control and completely losing it.

"Can't." He whimpered, his gaze staring numbly at the ground. "My family..."

Glancing at Smitty, I watched him roll his eyes. He was just as bored as I was. We were getting nowhere.

"Look at me." Leaning down, I waited for Shawn to look me in the eyes. I wanted to see his pupils dilate. I wanted to see him try to avoid my unflinching gaze.

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