Chapter 35 - Refusing To Believe

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Harper's POV:

It had taken several hours longer than I had wanted, but we broke Stasia into breathing what we needed through her lips. She'd insulted us. She'd cried. She'd screamed. She'd laughed. But in the end, we won.

Joanna sat across from me at my desk; her leg crossed over her other, watching me wait for my call to be answered. "You know Audrielle isn't one to take lightly, right?"

"I'm aware." I gave a single nod. "But Mason trusted her and she's loyal to him."

"I'm just saying, watch your back, O'Sullivan." Joanna held her hand up, flicking out a fleck of something from under her nail.

"You have news?" Audrielle answered, not bothering with pleasantries.

"Do you know where Castello Corinna is?" I remembered the name that Stasia breathed out before passing out from blood loss and pain.

"I am not supposed to, but yes, I do. Is that where he is at?" She asked smoothly, but I could still sense the worry underlying in her forced calmness.

"We won't know until we check it out, but we have reason to believe they are." I stared at Joanna as we both patiently waited for the answer that would potentially lead to our heartbreak or our relief.

"We have to tread lightly with this, O'Sullivan." Her warning had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

"I don't understand." My jaw clenched tighter than I intended it to.

"Castello Corinna is Ricci's, yes, but it is on Vasil Dushku's newly acquired property in Libya. It is untouchable without giving Dushku reason to start a war with you." Stress teased her vocal cords.

"I'm willing to take that risk. Let him start a war with us. He will not win." My brows furrowed as my gaze turned to glaring at my desk. "Just tell me where it is."

"You do understand, O'Sullivan, that I cannot have my people participate in this rescue. The French cannot set foot on Dushku property. I can arrange transportation once you're out of there, but not when you're there." She spoke very clearly, making sure there was no room for interpretation.

"I understand. I never would ask you to compromise your people over my war." I nodded calmly. "Now, may I have that address?"

"I cannot give it to you over the phone, Siobhan, but I will have someone pick you up and bring you as far as the French can go. From there we will give you the directions that you need. That is the best that I can do. Please understand that." Hints of desperation and regret mingled with her willingness to assist.

"The Irish find no fault with you, Audrielle. We... I appreciate your help." My grip on my phone loosened a bit as she told me when to expect her transportation. I nodded regardless of her not seeing the motion. "Thank you."

"Just get them back safely." She said quickly, hanging up her phone.

Slowly setting my cell down, I looked up at Joanna with a twinkle in my eye. "We're going to Libya."

A shadow of a dark smile crossed her face and left it. Standing up, she waited for me to do the same. "I'll pack a bag."

I watched her turn to leave, realizing there was still a warning left unspoken. "Joanna."

Stopping, she turned back to face me. "I don't know what we'll find."

"Nobody can predict that, O'Sullivan." Even with the tears filling her eyes, she looked at me with understanding. "You forget that I know this world a little too well. I grew up in it. My husband might be dead. Or knocking on death's door. I've raised our children mostly on my own. I've built a life for myself knowing that one day he might not come back to me. I will be okay."

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I solemnly nodded. It took a moment to find my voice, realizing that I wasn't as ready to give up on having Mason by my side. I hadn't truly seen his death and I could still feel him. If he was dead I couldn't still feel him; could I? "I have a few phone calls to make. Gather your things quickly, say your goodbye to your daughter, and meet me back here."

With one quick nod, she gracefully left the room. The silence was deafening for a moment. I didn't like it, probably because it felt all too much like I was being left alone. I had family. I had followers; a people that I needed to lead. But that didn't take the place of the one I'd been too foolish and stupid to hold onto. We'd all made mistakes, but mine I felt like had had some of the greatest consequences.

Raking a hand through my hair, I snatched my phone off of my desk. Two rings and Padrik's voice filled my ear.

Staring at the closed door, I brought the voice of a leader back into play. It was who I was afterall. "Gather fifty of our most trusted soldiers. We're going to Libya and we're getting our men back."

"When?" Padrik asked calmly.

"Now, Paddy." I growled, trying not to push my urgency. "I'll have Sylvy alert the international crew. We need to be ready for anything.

Flicking the phone off, I clicked my intercom on. "Sylvy."

"Yes, ma'am." Her voice crackled back at me.

"Reach out to Louis in the motherland. Tell him to prepare for war." My brows furrowed, my fingers reaching up to pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Ma'am?" She questioned.

"Just do it, Sylvy." I growled a little more sharply at her then I knew I should.

"Consider it done." She said unusually calmly. "Did you find Smitty?"

"We have a lead. Just do as I asked." I clicked the intercom off, sighing at the questions I didn't feel like I had time to answer.

Checking the time on my phone, I stalked over to my closet. Snatching my go bag, I tossed it to the door. Flipping through the few clothes I kept at my office, I grabbed something dark enough to cover blood, flexible enough to maneuver through anything, and light enough to not drag me down. Rolling my neck and shoulders out, I was ready to go.

"You damn well better be alive, Mason." I growled under my breath, grabbing my gun and stuffing it in the small of my back. A few other weapons littered my being until I felt well compensated. Smitty would be proud.

Stalking to the door, I threw my bag over my shoulder.

Until I saw my men's bodies, I refused to believe they were dead. Time was ticking by and I was ready to get my people back.

Unforgivable Secrets | One Mistake Away Series Bk 1 [Mob Romance]Where stories live. Discover now