Chapter 13 - Complications And Favors

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Mason's POV:

"If Ricci is putting heat on the Albanians, how is that going to affect us?" Fletch had sat his ass on the corner of my desk, his arms crossed across his chest in our informal meeting.

The chair is literally two feet away from you...

Glaring at him for his unconventional spot to sit, I cleared my throat. "I don't know. I would hope it wouldn't, but neither parties are good with sharing."

A buzzing next to my resting arm drew my attention. Harper's name popped up. My pulse sped up at her name sliding across my screen. I didn't have time to take her call. I'd have to call her back later. Sliding the screen off, I refocused on Fletcher. "We need a game plan to stay ahead of this if it happens."

"Rumor has it there's another party joining... well... the party." Fletcher arched a brow waiting to see what I knew about his comment.

I hated him playing mind games. I wish he'd just come out and ask his question instead of feeling around for what I knew. "Don't know."

My phone buzzing again made me glance back down at it with an annoyed huff. Audrielle's name popped up.

"Don't know who the other one was, but I'd probably take that call." Fletcher leaned over to read my caller ID.

Swiping my phone out of view, I flashed him my look of disapproval. Pressing the talk button, I held the phone up to my ear, still leveling Fletch with a glare.

"Mason, tell me you have no plans on Saturday. Actually tell me you have the entire weekend free."

I felt my brow arch up with surprise. "What are you talking about, Audrielle?"

"I have an important event to attend and I'd like to bring you as my date. It would give you a larger platform in the shipping business. You would not say no to me, would you, Mason?"

Glancing up at Fletcher, I stared at his questioning face, my own buzzing with questions. "A date?"

"Do not act like you have never been on a date, Mason. This will not kill you. Besides, I will owe you a favor." She purred into the receiver, her French accent more than obvious.

A favor was a good thing, especially from someone as powerful as the French Mob Queen herself. She didn't give out favors often.

"What kind of event are we talking about?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, now that I cannot tell you, Mason dear. You will get an all-expense paid trip with a variety of entertainment and a platform of customers at your fingertips." Her invitation was intriguing; I'd give her that.

Letting out a deep breath, I ran a hand through my hair. "An all expense paid date to a place I have no idea where it is to an event I have no idea what it will entail. You leave much to the imagination, Audrielle."

Her contagious laugh brought a smile to my face. "I am giving you a world of possibilities, Mason. What do you have to lose?"

"What are the chances of being killed on this trip, Audrielle?" The possibilities with her I knew were endless. I wanted to know the kind of protection I'd have.

"If I am inviting you, Mason, you should know that you are under my protection. Nobody will touch you." The light humor in her voice remained as she reminded me of the safety net she was casting over me.

Fletcher's arched brow turned into an expression of pure humor. "Accept her invitation damn it!"

Rubbing the back of my neck, I glanced down at my desk. I was supposed to see Harper this weekend, but this was a damn good opportunity. "You know what, sure, Audrielle. I will rearrange my schedule. I would be honored to be your guest. But I do want my own room."

"Whatever for, Mason?"

"I am coming with you as a guest, Audrielle, not as your play toy." I kept my firmness strong, my jaw ticking at the small aggression.

Her pouting made me shake my head. I didn't want to anger her, but I wasn't going to be walked all over either.

"You take the fun out of everything, Mason." She gave me a frustrated sigh. "Fine. I will make the arrangements. I will send a driver to pick you up Friday morning. It will be a weekend affair."

I inwardly groaned at her use of the word affair. "That sounds good to me. I will see you soon."

"Oh and, Mason, I will be providing your wardrobe for this event. Do not worry about packing anything."

Her words gave me pause. I wanted to argue that I didn't need her help, but the risk of offense would be greater if I refused her services. "That is most generous of you. Thank you, Audrielle."

"Your thanks is not necessary. I will see you in a few days, Mason." With that she hung up the phone.

Fletcher's low whistle brought my attention back to him. "A date with the French Queen. How come you score all the good dates, boss?"

Rolling my eyes I set my phone back down and moved my paperwork around. "I wouldn't call it a benefit, Fletch. You know who she is. What she's capable of."

"Yeah, but I also know that she is very easy on the eyes and has a feistiness that's unmatched by most. Your one night with her would be memorable to say that least." The jealousy lingered in his gaze.

"The price of it would also be memorable." I reminded him scratching my shoulder and sighing again. "Now, back to our dilemma."

"Well, if you sided with the Italians, Alban would be forgiving, but his cousin might not be so forgiving. If you side with the Albanians, we both know we'd have good backing, but Ricci would give you hell to pay." Fletcher shrugged, his opinion as accurate as they came.

Running a hand through my hair, I sat back in my chair. "Maybe I was a fool for undertaking this business."

"Maybe, but we both know you know how to run this business. You're a smooth talker, keep customers happy, and know what you're doing. Whether or not you believe it, you were meant for running this company, Mason." Fletch finally stood up from my desk, his words genuine.

"Thank you, Fletch. I appreciate your support." I gave him a tight, appreciative smile.

"Anytime." He saluted me, heading for the door. "Remember, the French mob will owe you a favor. Maybe siding with Alban and his cousin are the way to go. Ricci is bad news, boss."

I watched him leave, pondering the words. Rubbing my tired eyes, I glanced at my phone, Harper's voicemail blinking at me. Grabbing it, I listened to her speak. I would be lying if I wasn't disappointed with her cancelation, but honestly it was what I needed for this event. Maybe things were falling into place like they should be. Yet part of me wondered if I was opening up a can of worms that was going to bite me in the ass in the end.

Unforgivable Secrets | One Mistake Away Series Bk 1 [Mob Romance]Where stories live. Discover now