Chapter 11 - Can We Start Over?

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Harper's POV:

I watched him sit on the bench staring at his phone with furrowed brows and stress lines twisting around his forehead. He typed something out with a bit more force than the phone truly deserved. His mouth twitched with the left side of his nostril.

"You're far too beautiful to look so stressed." My voice made him jump as he looked up at me. His startled expression melted into a smile.

"I didn't think you'd be here for another fifteen minutes." He scooted over and patted the bench.

I hummed as I took a seat beside him. "What has you pawing at your phone?"

Staring at me for a moment, he sighed looking out over the large park. "Work. My employee --- Fletch --- has a habit of aggravating customers."

"Ah." I nodded my head, gently smiling. "I know someone kind of like that."

"Yeah?" He glanced at me, curiosity seeping into his gaze. "Wouldn't happen to be your cook would it?"

I laughed. "Justin is something special. He's a good worker though. It's hard finding good help in our small town. I was thankful when he came stumbling into my diner, looking for work with not a penny to his name. It just worked."

"Fletcher was a similar case. I wasn't looking to hire anyone new and he came in, sat me down, and forced me to listen to a solid hour of his bantering. The boy's got a way with words." Sadness slipped into Mason's eyes. I could feel a heaviness in the way his shoulders tensed.

Swallowing, I slipped my hand over his knee drawing a questioning look from him. "He reminds you of Cal, doesn't he?"

He pondered my question for a moment before giving me a slow nod. "Some days. They're not spitting images of each other by any means, but having to bail him out of trouble and stand by him during the consequences reminds me of having my little brother around again. Some days it makes me miss him more. Maybe that makes me put some unrealistic expectations on Fletch some days too."

I sat there quietly listening to him. I was in no hurry to speak. Mason needed healing; we both did, but if listening to him helped then I would be that open ear.

"He's a smartass most days, and not always the most observant person. I probably should have fired him a long time ago, but I just can't bring myself to do it. In a way, I guess I consider him family."

"I get it. There's those people that just sometimes become the family you never had, or so much more than a friend that you just end up needing them. There's nothing wrong with that, Mason." I reminded him. I didn't know if he was opening up to share something deeper or just focusing on the employee he knew. Whatever it was I was sure I could relate in some way or another. Justin was like family; that watchful brother I never had. Smitty was like that annoying friend that all you wanted to do was beat up, but couldn't really imagine life without either.

"Speaking from experience?" He arched a brow, burying any raw emotion fighting to come out.

Scratching the back of my head, I gave him a brief snort. "You could say that. Justin kind of became unexpected family. I'm sure he gave you a bit of the third degree when I wasn't there?"

"More like giving me the disapproving tone." He snorted his own disapproval.

I chuckled at his annoyed reaction. "Well, Justin's one thing. If you ever have the privilege of meeting Smitty, you'll get a real reason to be annoyed with someone. I couldn't imagine not having him in my life, but some days he's a real piece of work."

Unforgivable Secrets | One Mistake Away Series Bk 1 [Mob Romance]Where stories live. Discover now