Chapter 19 - No Time For Explanations

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Harper's POV:

"What the hell do you mean Ricardo Ciciliano was here?" Smitty growled, his stormy eyes following my every move.

I tossed a few clothes into my suitcase. "I don't have time for you to keep questioning me. We have to prepare for a war."

"We're all ready prepared for a war, Siobhan. We've been preparing for years." Smitty leaned against the doorframe. "I wouldn't have called that strike if we weren't prepared for an all out war."

"That was before Ricci dragged me in here and threatened me. That was before Ciciliano was called to attention. We need to be prepared for them to hit us everywhere and as hard as they can." I stopped and glared at him for questioning me. I understood his reservations, but he had been just as for this plan as I had been in the beginning. We didn't have any time to second-guess our choices. We had to be strong and lethal. A viper ready to attack.

"They? Are we dealing with the full Omerta?" Standing up straighter, the intensity in his eyes matched his furrowed brows.

Shaking my head, I went back to packing up the few things I had unpacked. "Ciciliano is a man of few words. He warned me not to give him a reason to get involved. I believe we will only be dealing with Ricci, but we need to be prepared regardless. I will not put our people's safety more at risk then it all ready is. We are taking back what is ours. Nobody threatens me and walks away scot-free."

I could feel Smitty behind me. I stared at my folded clothes, waiting for him to say something.

"I'm sorry your evening didn't go how you wanted it to." The sincerity in his voice pricked at my heart. I couldn't have that. Strength and anger needed to be a vice not sympathy and regret.

"Yeah, well, things don't always work out how we plan. Now prepare our people. Our first wave of attacks need to commence before Ricci has time to start rearranging his forces." Zipping my overnight bag up, I stood straight. Handing the bag to my second in command, I walked past him. "We are finished here."

Opening the door I stammered to a stop. Audrielle faced me, her eyes narrowed and jaw set. I felt Smitty take his stance next to me; I could imagine the warnings echoing through his narrowed eyes. He was a decent sized man, both intimidating and mysterious.

"What did you do to Vitali?" Her words were sharp and threatening.

"I didn't do anything to him." I refused to blink while facing the she-devil. We may have made good and were on the same side, but I didn't need to deal with her lack of respect when she faced me.

"Well someone did something to him. He just scampered out of here like his ass was on fire." Crowding my space even more, Audrielle brought her face up to mine. Her perfume was distastefully strong, nauseating my senses. "And I have it on good authority that he came from your room."

"He did." I said simply, my brow arching. "I didn't realize you were his mother."

Giving me a tight-lipped smile, she took a few steps back. "I apologize. My rude behavior is uncalled for."

"Apology accepted." I watched her for a moment, letting a smidge of my hard exterior down for a moment. "We had some visitors this evening."

She arched one of her perfectly groomed brows. "Should I be concerned?"

"You should be." I gave a short nod, keeping my voice stable and calm. "Do I still have your support?"

She stared at me for a long moment, her face giving away nothing. "I don't say things that I don't mean."

Refusing to take my eyes off of her, I gave her a nod. "Then you have a good evening, Audrielle. We will speak soon."

Stepping back next to her guard, Audrielle gave me a nod of recognition. "Safe travels, Siobhan."

"You as well." With that I walked past her, Smitty hot on my heels. I didn't want to think about Mason right now. Hearing Audrielle's concerns gave me concerns of my own. I just wanted him to be okay. I would contact him tomorrow when I had a few more things straightened out. Now was not the time to go after him half-cocked and with people counting on me.

"Can we trust her?" Smitty's voice broke my train of thought as we retreated a safe distance a way.

I glanced back to see the woman had all ready disappeared probably to set her own precautions in place. "We trust no one. But we will use her as our ally for as long as we can."

"Did you want to change before we leave?" He nodded to my less than appropriate dress.

I glanced down at the sleek fabric, shaking my head as I resumed my lead. "I will change on the plane. We don't have time to waste. Besides..." I fixed him with an amused look. "You never know when a girl needs to use the sharp points of her heels as a weapon."

He snorted, his hand resting on the back of my hip as he led me down a less than obvious hallway. "This way. We will avoid most of the others on our way out."

The hallway was a little more dimly lit then the rest of the hotel. I could see the exit sign flashing red as we neared the door. A tall, broad figure stood a mere few feet in front of us. I could see his wavy hair, recognize his scent. I tried to slow my palpating heart as we neared him.

He turned to see who was closing in on him.

Nearly stumbling at his stressed-filled baby blues, I watched as his eyes met mine, sliding down to the hand still wrapped around my hip. I resisted cringing at his narrowing gaze. I couldn't handle his judgment right now. Or his disappointment.

Gently pushing Smitty's hand away, I ignored him studying me as his gaze lingered back on my Mason. He nodded, an understanding I knew he knew. "I'll give you two some space."

"No need." Mason shook his head, turning back to the exit. "I was just leaving."

"I think you two need..."

"It's all right, Smitty. We need to be leaving too." Focusing on the door, I sidestepped in front of the man who owned me deeper than he knew and let him watch me walk away. Two could play at this game. I would find a way to talk to him soon and I would make sure he listened to me.

I didn't want Smitty to question me, but his silent follow was making me antsy. We were Irish, we weren't meant to be harnessed or silenced. I didn't do good with either and I didn't want my men to have to hold back either. Growling, I turned to face the man. "Say it."

He stopped just before nearly running into me. His startled expression mellowed out. "You should talk to him."

"I will. Just not tonight. Anything else?" I arched a brow, daring him to continue. I had neither the time nor the patience for this, but I couldn't think with his loud thinking.

"Nope. Let's get back home." He nodded, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Giving him a curt nod, I twisted around and continued to glide away. The gracefulness came with the power. I needed to keep an air about me. Remind people who was in charge and who was powerful. I loved people, but in this role I needed them to fear me. And fear me they would.

Unforgivable Secrets | One Mistake Away Series Bk 1 [Mob Romance]Where stories live. Discover now