Chapter 16 - Truths and Alliances

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Mason's POV:

I stared at her. She was so confident. So radiant. So full of whom she felt she needed to be. Her hand rested on my knee, shifting my gaze to the motion.

"I want you with me on this, Mason." Her confidence wavered for a moment as her chin quivered. "I still need you."

I still needed her too, but how did I just accept this? It wasn't like this was a small thing.

My mind was reeling with everything. "I..."

A ding and my door crashing open startled us both. I watched Harper stand up, glaring at the intruder, fists balled and ready to fight.

I heaved out an annoyed breath as Audrielle stared wide-eyed between the two of us. Her hair was a little less perfect than how I'd left her and her make-up looked like she'd just fixed it. Straightening, she adjusted her dress.

"Mason, darling, you did not waste any time." Her face mellowed as she threw me a wink. Shutting the door, she fixed Harper with a look of evaluation being met with Harper's glare of death. I was sure she'd all ready thought of at least fifty different ways to kill Audrielle for interrupting us.

Audrielle held her hand out in invitation. "I am..."

"I know who you are." Harper's voice was like ice, a level I'd never heard. I was beginning to truly believe she took her role seriously.

Sitting back, I watched the tension rise. It was nice that it wasn't directed toward me. In fact, I did believe it was a tension fueled to protect me.

"What the hell are you doing in his room?" Harper stood straight enough for her spine to be lined up with a level.

"Well technically it is my room." Audrielle drawled out, looking around the space before her gaze landed on me. "But I was able to obtain two rooms since a certain fellow did not want to share the space."

Harper snorted, rolling her eyes. "I wonder why."

Audrielle's gaze narrowed.

Arching her brow, Harper crossed her arms under her chest. I couldn't help but notice how the motion pushed up a certain pair of gems catching my eye. I could tell Aurdrielle noticed too by the way her eyes lingered on the movement.

Clearing her throat, Audrielle took a step forward. "I have no intention of stepping on your toes, Miss Ireland, but do not pretend like you own Mason."

"Audrielle." I warned her, eliciting a glare from both women.

"Oh, you two are on a first name basis, are you?" Harper's gaze remained on me, a combination of fire and ice that refused to melt.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Har..."

"Mason." She growled a warning.


"No, please continue." Audrielle's eyes narrowed at my slip-up.

Tightening my jaw, I stood up. "That's enough you two."

"Is she trying to ship through you, Vitali?" Audrielle questioned slowly, one that caught me by surprise. I couldn't help but detect a hint of an underlying meaning to her voice.

"And if I was?" Harper took a step closer to the woman.

I rubbed my hands over my face, shaking my head at their obvious jealousy.

"I had him first." Audrielle commented, arching a brow, daring Harper to challenge her further.

Laughing, Harper stretched her neck from side to side. "Oh I highly doubt that, honey. He only truly has room for one woman. And it ain't you."

Unforgivable Secrets | One Mistake Away Series Bk 1 [Mob Romance]Where stories live. Discover now