Chapter 15 - I Am Their F*cking Queen

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Harper's POV:

Shit, shit, shit! What the hell is he doing here?

My eyes locked with Mason. I glanced from him to the woman next to him. Audrielle Durand. My father had a file on her.

Ignoring their seemingly closeness, I leaned into Connor Smitty. "I have business to address. Alone."

"Siobhan, this is not the place for solo missi---"

"Are you questioning me, Smitty?" I stood straighter, my eyes locking with his and refusing to budge until he shifted them away from me.

"No, but it would be a waste if something happened to you." He looked back at me, his strong jaw tight.

I ran a finger along his jawline. "Don't be so stressed. I know what I'm doing."

With that, I walked away. I didn't need to push myself through the crowd. People parted for me like I was royalty. I had spent the last eight years training for this role. They had better fucking believe I was royalty.

I stopped, Mason's hardened gaze locking on mine. He looked angry. His fists were balled up next to his sides and I could almost bet that glimmer in his blue eyes was him loathing me.

Swallowing my sudden ball of nerves, I continued to follow him, even as he turned to walk away from me. Maybe I deserved the bold move, but he wasn't completely innocent in all of this. He had lied to me just as much as I had lied to him. The difference was that I was willing to chase him down to make things right. His fleeing form made me question his choice in this suddenly uncomfortable situation.

"My my my, Mickey O'Sullivan's daughter." The gruff voice sent me skidding to a halt. Tilting my head to the side with my jaw tight, I turned to face the accuser. "Let me get a look at you."

The man had dark, greasy hair and a relatively cheap suit. He had a strong face with sharp jaw and cheekbones making his cheeks seem sunken in for being in his forties. His fingers tightened on my chin as he turned my face from side-to-side.

I barely gave him a chance to look me over before I pulled my chin out of his grip. Without hesitation, I sunk my teeth into his finger, drawing blood. His yelp turned heads, giving me a chance to relish in my power. My nails dug into his scalp as I jerked his head back, bringing his ear to my lips. "Never. Lay. A. Finger. On me again. Next time I won't be so lenient on you."

I released him with a shove, spitting on his shoes in disgust.

Smitty was at my side within seconds of the incident. He looked between us, keeping his mouth shut.

"Do you know who I am, little girl?" The man glared at me, letting his injured finger drip blood on the floor. He looked angry, violent. Then again, so did most of the people here.

I looked around at the viewing crowd, holding my head up high. I eyed up one of the many tables near me. Glancing back at Smitty, he gave me a proud smile and held out a hand. Using his hand for support, I stepped onto the chair. Standing strong, I gracefully glided on to the table, eyeing up the other leaders as if they were subjects and I was there Queen.

"This man here wants to know if I know who he is." I glared at the sad excuse of a leader still standing in front of me. "I know who he is. I know how he has insulted me tonight all ready. My question is, do all of you know who I am?"

My angered voice echoed throughout the large room, drawing the attention even from those in the shadows.

"Perhaps I should tell you all a little story. The story of how a little girl was given up to be raised by someone other than her own family because of a continual threat to her people. Specifically to her father. Her father knew that if he didn't protect his heir that there would be no future left for the army he had taken under his wing and raised. No future for his people. After a driven force decided they wanted his territory, the little girl's father had been murdered as an example, leaving her in the shadows, and their people in the dumps."

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