Chapter 38 - Still Trying To Kill Me?

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Joanna's POV:

The perks of having money and being the leader of a mob brought with it a hospital where no questions were asked. I definitely wasn't going to complain about that. Harper had made it possible where I was close to Tempest and able to monitor my husband's condition. For that I was thankful.

Raking a hand through my disheveled hair, I walked back into the hospital room. Harper and Connor continued with their built up bickering. They were acting like children, siblings that thought they were both justified in their opinions. Neither acted like the adults they supposedly were, a side of them I hadn't witnessed yet. Honestly, it was a little strange to me.

Handing Harper a cup of coffee and pushing all judgment to the side, I gave her a wink. "I added some Irish Cream to it."

"It's the best way to have it." She offered a smile, taking a sip and spitting it back in the cup. "Hot, hot, hot!"

Chuckling, I took a seat across the room, crossing my legs as I stared at my abused husband. "Feeling any better?"

"The doctor says I'll live, but O'Sullivan seems to have other plans." He rolled his eyes, groaning as his hand reached for his ribs. A few days of rest had brought him to better coherency, but the pain and memories kept him up most nights.

Spitting her coffee back in her glass, she glared at him. "Excuse me? I saved your sorry excuse of a secret keeping, lying ass!"

"My wife did that, thank you." He arched a brow. "Speaking of which, is there something that you should be telling me, wife?"

"Did you have a specific topic in mind, husband?" I stared back at him, waiting for the inevitable question.

"Like why you were with to rescue me? Or maybe why you kicked me over with your foot when you found me? Or maybe why you had that mask on and let my boss call you Veil?" He arched a brow once again.

"You were barely conscious. How do you remember any of that?" I folded my arms across my chest, careful with my steaming coffee.

"Maybe I should come back." Harper glanced between us cautiously, standing to her feet.

Connor didn't take his gaze off of me, his words stumbling from his scabbed over lips. "Yes---"

"No, you should stay." I stared my husband down, watching his expression of question rise up.

"Okay." She quietly sat back down, coffee held tightly in her hands.

"I've been the Veiled Death since shortly after our son was born. Coming from the families I came from, I couldn't just sit still. I had training and I desired to build upon it. I've been taking on jobs for the last ten years using the connections my family had." I explained cautiously.

"What kind of jobs?" Connor's brows furrowed, wincing at the motion.

"Extracting answers from unwilling... sources." I shrugged, enjoying a sip of painfully hot coffee.

"I thought we agreed on you keeping an extremely low profile?" Connor glared at me, his voice uncomfortably low.

"You can't expect me to sit home with the kids after living the life I have, Connor. You can't be the only one to get out and do whatever the hell you do." My voice rose a little bit higher than I wanted, but what did he expect? Honestly I was bored. And I did something about it.

"Did you get sloppy?" His voice held an edge to it.

"Connor..." Harper gave him a sharp look, of which he ignored rather well.

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