Chapter 8 - Clarity

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Harper's POV:

Rubbing my forehead, I tried to unscramble my fuzzy brain. Blinking my eyes open, I looked around the room. Taking in the familiar scent of the man I loved, I flipped over with a smile. It was just like old times. Something that I'd missed.

Except, with old times I didn't wake up to a cold, empty space next to me.

Sitting up, I looked around the room. Other than me and my damp clothes on the floor, there was no proof that anyone else had been there.

Standing up, I pushed away from the bed. Mason's suitcase was gone. Grabbing my phone and damp clothes, I stumbled out of the room.

He better not have run again. If he did...

I couldn't finish my thought. I didn't want to. I didn't want to think of him leaving me twice. Running a hand through my tangled red hair, I took the steps two at a time.

"Mason?" I gently called, waiting for his head to pop around the corner and smile at me.

No answer.

The clatter of silverware drew my attention to the kitchen. Mason's parents sat near a small table in the corner, eating their breakfast and reading the morning paper.

His mom stopped mid-bite and looked up at me. Her brow arched as she took in my appearance.

Glancing down, I realized that I only had the borrowed sweatshirt on. My cheeks heated as I crossed my legs and held my damp uniform protectively in front of my crotch. "Umm, I'm sorry. I... my clothes are wet... I mean damp from last night."

Well, Harper, you botched that one up. I wanted to mentally slap my forehead. I sounded like a complete ditz.

She pushed away from the table and walked over to me, gently reaching out for my clothes. "I will dry them for you."

Cautiously I handed them over. "Thank you."

My mumble was met with a kind smile. "You're welcome, dear."

"Where's Mason?" I looked around the room, meeting his father's eyes.

"He had to leave last night. There was some important business that needed to be taken care of in person." He kept an eye on me.

My heart felt like it was dropping. He'd left. Again.

As if realizing my disappointment, he gave me a reassuring smile. "He'll be back."

I nodded, barely managing an empty smile. Sure he would.

Glancing down at my phone, I watched it blink at me. Slowly I flicked it on. An unknown number had my brows scrounged together.

Who... My heart fluttered at the words, pausing my thoughts.

It'll be about morning when you see this. I apologize for not waking you up, Harper, but you looked too peaceful to disturb. I didn't want to leave things like this, but an important situation at work has come up. Please forgive me. Again. Perhaps our paths will cross in the future. Until then, it was good to see you. I've missed you. Be blessed. – Mason.

Not bothering to look up from the phone screen, I found my way to a seat by the kitchen table. My free hand slid into my hair and cradled my head. I stared at that text, scrolling up and down to reread it. Over and over again.

I don't know how long I'd sat there just staring at the text. Out of the corner of my eye, I'd seen Mr. and Mrs. Vitali come and go, cleaning up the kitchen and giving me concerned looks.

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