Chapter 19 - Double Dates

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Laura's P.O.V-

I was still shook up after the meeting with those so called "fans" at Birmingham so I decided today was a lie in and wonder around the house day. Me and the girls were going round ems and we were all going to be lazy together. Since it wasn't just me who was shook up. Em and Kiran had took it quite hard since they used to be bullied at our primary school and it just brought back horrible memories of them. Aisha cares about a lot of things and what other people think of her is one of them. I was just shocked about how they could call themselves " fans" it wasn't as if they knew that brad was going on a date with aisha and I was going on a date with Tristan. To them we were all just friends. Anyway if they love the boys so much shouldn't they be happy for them instead of throwing insults at the ones they love.

I carried on running thoughts through my mind as I got up and went downstairs. Me and the girls were due at em's house soon and we were just going about in our onesies with no make up and our hair set free to be messed up or whatever we decide to do with it. We were going to make some pancake mixture and I got out the marshmallows the sugar and the chocolate sauce to take to em's. We all loved pancakes and what better than to have them for your breakfast. We were going round em's in half an hour that gave me time to get all the movies and tv box sets out in time to take with me .

Brads P.O.V-

Ugh another boring day without the boys. it was our day off but they always seemed like the most boring days. I had nothing to do and I loved that but today all I wanted to do was something, anything at all. We were meeting up at lunch time but still that's a long time with nothing to do. I think we all love being at work because that's what we love doing. Making music. I wondered about my date with aisha on Friday what if I could have one before and one on Friday but this one could be a double one with Tristan and Laura, tris had already told us that he asked her out after the shopping "incident"

If I'm even allowed to call it that. Those girls were damn rude and the girls didn't deserve to hear all that crap off them because none of it was true. I mean we love our fans but sometimes they go to far and turn obsessive . Even if we're just friends and as for meeting them again. I don't think so. Em and Kiran had told con and James about why they have been so upset lately after the encounter and they ended up telling us the whole story. It was horrible. I cant believe people even do that.

Anyway back to the double date it might actually work and if it did we could go together and leave separate as then we could go our own spectate ways and take the girls wherever we wanted to. I decided to call tris and see what he thought and weather he was up to the idea. I found my phone and pressed call on tris's name.

Ring , ring come on tris pick up

" heyyyy bradley what do you want from the amazing Tristan Evans!!" He basically shouted down the phone as if I was half deaf. I swear that kid is on energy drinks all the time.

" I just wanted to ask your opinion on something I just thought of but it involves you, me, aisha and Laura "

" ok go on then tell me"

" well I was thinking that we could take the girls on a double date before Friday like you and Laura, me and aisha we could go at the same time but leave separately so that we could take them where we individually wanted to go after"

" yeh that sounds good when do you want to do it because you've got a separate date with aisha on Friday remember?"

" we'll I was thinking of doing it tonight after the boys come we could go to Emily's and leave con and James there whilst we go out"

"Waho you've got this all worked out haven't you ok I'm in but you'll have to tell the girls pretty soon for them to get ready or they'll kill you" he laughed at me getting "killed" by a bunch of girls.

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