Chapter 21 - Apartment Hunting

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James P.O. V -

Today was the day me and tris were getting an apartment in Birmingham. We needed to be close to the studio and work but also the girls. We are all dating one of them and what's the point if we hardly ever get to meet them. It's alright for con and brad they already live there right next to the girls but for me and tris it's a bit different. We have to travel on a train every time we go down there and then either stay at one of the boys house or in a hotel. Why do that when we could just buy an apartment for both of us.

I was on my way to the train station in Dorset and tris would catch the train in Devon. He would already be on the train waiting for me. It was really early in the morning for us and we didn't know how crowded the train would be as it was work rush hour and we might not get any seats. The train station was only a walk from my family house so I could walk without a car. Yes no Parking ticket money. The train me and tris were meant to be catching was the 5:40 one this means we would be there at about 10:00 we were also going to meet Laura and Kiran there as they were going to help us decide which one to get

We had already looked at some apartment when we were there previously and there were a few that we liked and were also in our price range. They had to be close to the boys and girls, it had to be above ground level maybe second floor? I don't know but it has to be right or us. The girls have to like it as well as they could stop over sometimes so if they don't like it as well what's the point in having it.

The train was announced and it rolled into the train station, while floods of people entered the station to get on it hardly any got off. Guess lots of people wanted to go to work today then. I walked around the train carriages trying to find tris. Where was he , he said he'd be in the 2nd or 3rd carriage but here I was and he was nowhere to be seen. Typical tallest boy ever cannot be seen amongst 50 people. I saw a blonde quiff sort of thing poke up out the crowd and head towards it. If this wasn't him , I didn't know who it was. I got closer and saw that they were waving me to come closer and sure enough it was tris.

" hey mate couldn't see you there" I laughed jokingly seriously if you missed tris you literally had to be blind

" wow good joke man" he said sarcastically but laughed anyway

We talked for a while and discussed which apartments we liked the best. We both liked one in particular but we had other ones that we liked just as well. At the end of the day it was the girls decision , we really weren't bothered. We were nearly at Birmingham and this was where we were going to get off . We were going to meet Laura and Kiran at brads house and con and em were going on a date. That meant aisha and brad has the house all to themselves , very Risky.

We walked to brads house and we were both excited at seeing the girls again. They were the other part to our heart like the other side to one stone , or the other side Of the same coin. We loved the same things, we loved the same music and most importantly of all they supported us. We find way to many girls use us for our fame and money then when they get bored of us they sell their stories to the paper. We'd had way to many experiences of that and we didn't want another one. But these girls they were different they supported us through everything , we haven't been on tour yet but I'm so sure that everything will be alright . We love then to much

We approached brads house and em and con were just leaving.

" hey condora we want our little Emily back for 10 do you hear me" I laughed trying to keep a straight face

" aghhh do I have to I was planning to at least get her drunk" he replied sarcastically

We didn't even have to say hello to understand what we all meant . They walked off and we a yelled " drink responsibly" that made us all burst into fits of laughter and I swear I saw Em's and cons faces go red . Lol that was a sight I would pay to see and would never forget .

Tristan's P.O.V-

" come on then Laura are you ready to go yet" I said as I entered brads familiar siting room. It was always the same tv, Xbox everywhere FIFA of course, and not to mention all the wrappers off sweets takeaways and pizza. His mom tries to keep it tidy but I think she gives up and let's her son love in a pigsty. All of our moms have apart from James who we suspect may have a touch of OCD. Okay not a touch a load full

" yeh one minute " she ran back upstairs and comes back down with her bag and phone.

I must say she looked stunning , her light brown hair running down her shoulders loose and curly. I didn't think she needed to bother straightening it she looked perfect without any make up. I knew that's what James thought about Kiran as well. I mean if I had kiran's lovely curly natural hair I would show it off. I often see other girls looking at our girls hair with admiration. They don't need anything to pull it off cuz their perfect already .

" trust your girlfriend to be the last one and the messiest one" James cheekily shouted

I know I'm messy and lazy but they can't imply that I have the same taste in girls as well. Seriously. I know him and Kiran had been waiting at the door for at least 10 minutes now and we were meant to be out 10 minutes ago but why couldn't they just be patient . It wasn't our fault brad puts everything in the wrong places . Soz brad but gotta blame somebody. Laura just brushed it off with a little laugh and replied

" James is your OCD getting the better of you again" she questioned as we locked the door and walked away to the first house . James had shot her a disapproved look whilst Kiran nodded with a laugh that could be mistaken for a dying walrus she found it that hilarious.

The first house was only 10 minutes away from the rest of the boys and was in Easy walking distance. It had a little park and a pond nearby to walk around. It had a little garden to itself . We were on the second floor and had been given the Keys and a booklet as a guide. I let us in and we just stood outside in amazement . It was bloody amazing. It had a huge kitchen , two bedrooms , two bathrooms and two en-suites for the bedroom a study and a lounge. With a lets say cinema size tv. We wondered around the flat in amazement. It was beautiful everything about it was beautiful.

I could see by their faces James and Kiran liked it too . They just kept pointing little prices of furniture out and I could definitely see us living here and making it a home . Me and James had decided to share a flat and invite the girls as well. This would cut down the cost of the flat and bills to go with it . I mean what's the point in buying two .

" do you like it" I whispered in Laura's ear

" it's perfect" she whispered back. I could tell she was excited and I just wanted to buy it for her now .

" hey James what do you think"

" tris I think it's perfect should we call the agents to tell then we want to buy It "

" yep lets do it now I can't wait" I said I was holding my breath . We had to get this place it was just so us and so perfect. I felt like this flat was made for us




" hello we would like to see if we could buy this flat that we have viewed" James asked politely

" yes we have seen it and would like to buy it"

" yes ok "

" yes yes thank you we are very grateful and i will hope to see you soon"

" what did he say " I squealed to James

" they said yes " he practically yelled

Well if the neighbours didn't know us and didn't know we were loud they sure did now. That's a good start with the neighbours and we haven't even moved in yet. James picked up Kiran and swung her round in his arms he was so happy. She was laughing while burrowing her head in his neck

"Thank you" Laura sighed with happiness as she kissed my check sweetly

" no thank you you made my life perfect " I whisper causing her to smile even wider and kiss me on the lips.

We finally had somewhere to call our own


Hey guys just a filler really !

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