Packed Lunch

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I sit down at my office desk, my stomach grumbles, ready to eat lunch. I suddenly realize that I forgot to pack it this morning, and in my brief moment of frustration I place my head in my hands. Releasing a sigh, and I slump forward onto the mahogany desk, smacking my head on the lacquered wood. The boredom of this mornings grueling meetings now taking their toll.  I take a deep breath and sit up, consoling myself with the fact that I have an hour and a half for lunch. I can just go get something from a restaurant down the street. I roll my chair back, and stand, patting my pockets for my wallet. I remember that I put it in my bag. I walk over to the doorway where I always put it, in my hangry daze I trip and stub my toe on the doorway. I groan, and hold my foot sitting down on the floor and mentally curse all that is holy.
I quickly remember what I walked to my bag for and crawl the three feet over, like a cat approaching a cucumber, to my messenger bag, and cautiously open the top flap. It reveals a brown paper bag, with a note scrolled on it in Naruto's chicken scratch.
" Sasuke-
    I noticed that last night you forgot to pack your lunch, so I put it together for you. I hope you like what I made. Love,
My heart melts as I read the note, and then I open the brown paper bag. There was a container of Ramen, a set of Chopsticks, and a box of Pocky. I sigh and shake my head with a smile, unconsciously twisting the black steely titanium ring on the third finger of my left hand. I laugh softly to myself and sit criss cross on the floor, accidentally pulling the bags handle with me, spilling papers across my floor. I open the ramen and begin to eat it, sitting on the floor, deciding that the maroon colored carpet looks much better covered with paper, and would be decidedly just as comfortable as my plastic desk chair. I'm mid bite, when my assistant opens my office door.
"Mr. Uchiha- oh I'm sorry sir, am I interrupting something?" She asks, uncertain of what to do.
" Uh, no. I was just eating the lunch my husband packed me." I reply sucking in more noodles, " Is there something you needed?"
" We ran out of printer ink. Do you have any extra?" She asks me, tucking a sheet of brown hair behind her ear. Leaning in, he eyes kind and reserved.
"Yes, " I set my lunch down, and walk over to my desk. Opening a drawer,  I then walk over and hand her the cartridge.
"Thanks so much," She says closing the door, her heels clicking against the linoleum floor of the hallway as she walks briskly away.
I walk back to my desk and stare at the battered open drawer. A picture of Naruto and I on our wedding day sits in it, his blonde hair clashing wonderfully with his orange blazer, and my dark blue hair, with black. I run my fingertips absentmindedly over his face, smiling softly. My heart melting at this sudden reminder of my early twenties. I then decide to call Naruto to thank him for my lunch, and tell him to be prepared for the thanks he'll be getting this evening. I smirk to myself, shut the drawer, and get to work on picking up the papers on my office floor.

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