Zumba Class

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    I cannot believe my mom made me do this. I just can't. Every tuesday at 12:30 my Mom has a "Zumba Weights class". It's basically a class full of middle aged women who aren't motivated enough to make up their own workouts, so they pay another middle aged woman to make up "workout" dance choreographies to hispanic music.
    Ever since I came out as gay to my mom, she has been consistently trying to set my up with her friends sons. Half of them weren't even gay! Not to mention I already have a crush on another gay guy who also happens to be my weirdly competitive friend. It also doesn't help that Itachi has his girlfriend over almost 24/7, I can see what he sees in her and she's actually someone I consider a friend, but it doesn't help my current single status that the auburn haired chick is constantly around my overbearing mother. So now, thanks to Itachi and his girlfriend, I'm sitting in the passenger seat of my mom's SUV in running shorts, a muscle shirt and tennis shoes, calculating whether or not it would kill me to open up the car door and jump out when we're going 60 miles per hour. The answer is yes, yes it would, but I can't say that I wouldn't be okay with that.
"Mom why?!" I groan for the umpteenth time, thrashing in my seat like an overgrown toddler.
"Stop whining Sasuke. It's not that bad, you just need to get out of the house. You spend way to much time alone. You need some friends."
"You mean, according to you, I need a boyfriend." I huff and roll my eyes, gripping my arm rest harshly as she sharply turns into a small business park, and parks the car in a spot right next to a small silver honda accord. A red headed woman is just climbing out of her car with her much shorter and blonde haired son. I feel like I know them somehow, and I just can't place it. I then realize why they seem so familiar. It's my crush Uzumaki Naruto and his mother Kushina.
"Ho-ly. Crap. Mom get my out of here. Now. Please, I'm begging you. I cannot be seen here. Not by him. GET. ME. OUT." I panic. Hard. I begin escalating the rate of my panicked thrashing and struggle to even unbuckle myself in my attempt to escape from the car. I turn and look at my mother, wondering why in the hell has she not driven away yet, when a wicked grin curls across her lips making her resemble the cheshire cat.
"Oh does my little baby have a crush on Naru?" She coos, her grin becoming threatening with the knowledge she now has.
"I-I wh-what? Mom! That's absurd! Don't be ridiculous!" I'm a blushing and stuttering mess while fiddling hopelessly with the lock on my door, as she leers threateningly at me. A sudden tapping on the window breaks me out of my distressed fit, and I see a certain blonde giving me his classic grin that melts any fears I might have had in the beginning. He waves at me through the window, and I roll my eyes and give him a small smile. As he walks away I can already hear the questions my mother has for me ringing through my skull.
"Ooooooo... can you imagine your father's face when I tell him about your little crush on Naru?"
"Don't. You. dare." I grit my teeth and my fight or flight instincts kick in. I freeze in terror, my mother's pointer finger is now circling the switch that locks the car automatically from the inside.
"I'll give you thirty seconds to think over how you want this to go. You can come in and do Zumba with me, or you can sit in the car like an overgrown child and I can tell Naruto about your affections," She shrugs indifferently and in a far too peppy voice says, "Your choice!"
"Ooooh Red Card! Come on! That's such a low blow!" I whine trying to be as obnoxious as possible so she would forget and drop the subject.
"Y'know I might show him the dance videos from a couple years ago at that Hip Hop competition." She's got me cornered now and I cannot let him see those videos. I honestly love to dance, and I'm quite good actually, I was second place in a national ballroom dance competition. My brother and his girlfriend got first, because they performed the tango.
"Fine! I'll go!" I groan and throw my hands exasperatedly in the air, "You win!"
"Awww thanks sweetie. You'll have so much fun!" her word vomit barely reaching my ears as the horror of what I have just agreed to sinks in. I begrudgingly follow her out of the car, slapping my water bottle against my leg in hopes that it will bring me out of this nightmare. Unfortunately I don't wake up if I am in a nightmare, and I am forced to walk into an old brick building. The floors are black-painted hardwood that creaks and groans in protest as I walk across the floor behind my mother. The instructor is relatively young and a shockingly tall and slender man with his long dark hair in a low ponytail, hi- and... it's Itachi. I sigh in desperation as he turns to face us, his lips twitching with amusement as he notices me, knowing that Itachi won't go easy on me. He grins and claps his hands together gathering all the moms and their unwilling children's attention.
"Alrighty Ladies! And some young gentlemen! Get to your spots and we will begin." He shoots everyone a winning smile as his tenor voice fills the room like honey oozing into a jar. At this many of the middle aged women attending begin to drool over my brother, his carefully nonchalant expression doesn't stop me from seeing his discomfort at their instantaneous reaction. He turns to the large stereo behind him and turns up the volume, the sounds of "Danza Kuduro" one of the more popular cha cha songs. My mother and I have decided to be in the back on the left side, Naruto ends up being positioned off to my right and behind my mother. My attention is drawn back to Itachi as he begins to move, he shifts his hips gently swaying and moving in graceful seductive steps to the left. I can already feel the music beating through my chest, and Naruto's smooth and sexy movement's in my peripheral aren't helping my focus on sanity. As the music sinks into my bones I feel myself relax, small muscles in my jaw and neck slowly unwinding as I begin to move, really move, to the music blaring through the shitty speakers. I begin to notice the small things, like how my hips snap and roll with the beat almost automatically, and my hands and arms relax and move in time with my feet and shoulders. I suddenly notice Naruto staring at me from the mirror, he blushes when my gaze meets his but he doesn't turn away. I lock my eyes with him, and a competitive nature sets in. I feel my movements become more purposeful while his become faster, and for song after song we dance with locked eyes. A silent challenge. And a silent promise.
    Soon enough we found ourselves finishing up the last dance, and our eye contact becomes awkward as he turns to face me.
"You're actually a very good dancer, Sasuke," He murmurs tugging at the bottom of his shirt and nervously biting his lip. God, he is so cute when he does that.
"Thanks, you're not bad yourself." I grin and force him to make eye contact with me again, missing the warmth of his blue eyes on mine.
"Well... I'll see you later. My mom's holding a barbeque on friday, and I think she invited your family." He smiles, his former confidence regained and we relax into our usual banter.
"Yeah, text me if you want to get together. I'll probably see you on friday then," I return his grin with a small upturn of my lip. He punches me firmly in the shoulder as he skips by,
"See you later teme!" He turns over his shoulder as his bubbly nature shines through, putting the bright summer sun to shame.
"Hn... Usuratonkachi," I turn to hide the giddy smile that glides over my lips, quickly shattered by my mother and brothers expression that can only be described as "the cat caught the canary" signature smug smirk that each of us have. I roll my eyes, knowing the long conversation that my mother and I would have, she will try to painfully interrogate me to take some information to Kushina. But right now I don't really care, I'm looking forward to replaying Naruto's swaying hips and hooded eyes later.

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