Joined Melodies

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(Naruto is a famous Japanese pop artist and Sasuke is a world-renowned pianist. Their agents have paired them together for a single, A thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Vanessa Carlton.)

      "UGH! Sakura remind me why I agreed to work with this bastard," I groan loudly, tipping back in my chair and throwing my arms up into the air for emphasis.
"Well, you agreed to work with him because you thought that it would be important to support the LGBTQ community of Japan considering your openly Pan, and Sasuke is openly gay," She replies smartly tucking a lock of pink hair behind her ear, at this the feet of the chair smack back into the checkered linoleum floor of the studio, "Besides, you need to learn to focus, you have a bad habit of getting distracted far too easily."
I roll my eyes to this response and childishly slump down in my chair with my arms crossed, making the back of my orange t-shirt ride up to my ribcage exposing tan skin and dark ripped jeans. Slumping down further when a tall raven haired man strides into the room, wearing a tight fitting gray sweater over a pair of black jeans and blue converse. He sets his leather bag down in the seat next to me, in an attempt to ward him off I slouch further into the crappy orange plastic seat.
"Y'know, if you're going to act like a child I could treat you like one," Sasuke says firmly, putting his hands on his hips and looming over me like a dark cloud. Sakura gets a good laugh out of that one.
"Hey! Be nice!" I say as I elbow her firmly as she continues to giggle, her hands clutching the red fabric of her sleeveless top that was tucked into her black skinny jeans, a pair of pale pink slip on shoes flailing as her giggling burst into overwhelming laughter.
"Sorr-haha-s-sorry, It's just that I thought no one would ever stand up to you," She ends smiling slightly at me, an apologetic look in her eyes as she wipes her tears from them.
"Yeah, well whatever," I mumble, as she grins at me. I stand up suddenly, my shirt falling back into place. Putting myself chest to chest with the dark haired Pianist. I put both my hands behind my head and do my best to smile genuinely.
"Sorry about that, I just find it hard to be around someone who's way of thinking is so different from mine," I say looking into his steely eyes.
"Well then you must not have many friends," He replies cooly, a smirk lighting up his features as he crosses his arms.
I feel my eyes harden, as I stare at him in disbelief. Why? I never did anything, yeah sure my sulking might have been pretty childish but I did just try to make it up to him. I feel myself beginning to pout.
"Anyway," Sasuke continues, " I've started a new piece that I think will go well with the tenor in your voice," His pale face suddenly all business. He pushes dark black, shimmery blue hair out of his face and leans over for his bag, turning away from me holding a packet of sheet music in his left hand as he approaches the well worn but lovable crappy upright piano sitting across from us. I can't help but be mesmerised by his dark hair and light skin paired with the checkered red and off-white floors pairing with the red brick of the walls and the worn wood of the piano. He sits down on the bench, and takes a deep breath before rushing into a series of notes that softly trickle towards my ears, a rushing melody topping it all off. In pure awe I find myself walking towards him until I stand directly behind him. He doesn't even notice me approach he's so focused, his hands movingly quickly and fluidly over the keys. Like spiders, his pale fingers creep and crawl along the keyboard bringing to life the black and white.
    I feel my hands slide from behind my head to flop down at my sides, stunned by how beautiful this melody. It seems to capture sunshine and rainbows, but at the same time sounds like something that would play during a suicide scene in a movie. I barely notice it trickling slowly to an end, the notes sounding like water droplets on a cement floor as he turns to look at me. I snap my jaw shut quickly, not having realized that it fell open. Instead of smirking like I would have expected, he turns to me with a small genuine smile gracing his face. I'm suddenly struck by his beauty, I can't bring myself to move or say anything as he turns back to the keys to hide his embarrassment at my reaction.
    " Could you play it again?" I whisper softly, walking over and sitting down on the bench next to him. We work for four hours straight, a fair amount of name calling happens, but eventually we come up with a song that I secretly love. Though I'll never tell him that. The mood of our song is soft and loving, hopeful with a hint of desperation.
"Making my way downtown walking fast
Faces pass and I'm home bound
Staring blankly ahead just making my way
Making a way through the crowd
And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder
If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you tonight
It's always times like these when I think of you
And I wonder if you ever think of me
'Cause everything's so wrong and I don't belong
Living in your precious memories
'Cause I'll need you
And I'll miss you
And now I wonder
If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you tonight" I finish this part as Sasuke trails off in a gorgeous piano solo, I feel so insync with him. We breath, think and even perform together, in perfect harmony. I suddenly stop him, getting an idea.
"OH MY GOSH TEME!," I gasp suddenly sitting up from my seat to him at the piano making him jump as his head whirls around to look at me.
"What!?," He snaps disgruntled by my sudden outburst,
"WHAT IF YOU SANG WITH ME AFTER THE BRIDGEIMEANFANSWOULDGONUTS" My words begin to get slurred together as I increasingly get more excited, continuing to ramble on, until he slaps a hand over my mouth to shut me up. His frown expressing frustration but his eyes can't hide their sparkle of excitement and amusement.
"Okay... we can try it," He says removing his hand, only after I agree not to startle him like that again. We go at it again, this time when he begins singing with me, I stop as he continues entranced by how well he carries the melody his voice a silky smooth tenor worthy of singing jazz. He suddenly stops and turns to look at me,
"Why'd you stop singing?" He asks raising an eyebrow,
"Uhm...," I try clearing my throat, but I can't do anything but turn and stare at him in shock next to him on the piano bench. He swings his left leg over so he straddles the wooden bench and places his hands on his knees, " Sasuke," I whisper, " Why do you have such a good voice?" I say, noticing how desperate I sound. My voice breathy and weak unable to compare to something like Sasuke's silken voice.
"I don't know," He whispers back, leaning into me until only a few inches remain between us. I lean in closer as his dark onyx eyes searing into my blue ones.
Noses brush.
His breath fans over my face.
His eye lashes flutter on my cheekbone.
Pale lips are surprisingly soft.
Every touch intoxicates me.
Dark raven hair is soft and thick underneath my fingers.
When I pull away he's smilingly softly at me, and all he says is,
"Do you do this with everyone you collaborate with?"
And all I can think as I lean in for another taste of his lips is,
"My god, this man's voice is a sin."

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