When the Party's Over

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I'm currently clambering down stairs to the high rank criminal cells in the basement of the jail. I'm a little off balance due to the lack of my right arm, and am having a hard time maneuvering in the darkened dungeon. I walk down a large gloomy corridor lit by bulbs hanging from the ceiling, the iron bars from the cells on the sides of the walls, straight jackets hanging for easy availability at every open space on the walls. I take two rights and a left, stopping when I see Ibiki sitting guard outside his cell. I trail my left arm along the brick wall hesitant to disturb the famous interrogator.
"Hey kid," a low gravelly voice murmurs, "You here to check up on the Uchiha? Again?"
"Yeah," l give him my signature megawatt smile as I turn to face the scarred man.
"You want me to stay here?" Ibiki asks, raising an eyebrow, as though implying that Sasuke would go berserk on me.
"Nah, if he wanted to hurt me he would have done it already." I shrug nonchalantly heart pounding wildly in my chest, glancing at the bound and blinded raven haired boy.
"Alrightly, I'll be just around the corner eating my lunch," He stands and pats me firmly on the shoulder as he rounds the sharp corner of brick to my left.
" Hey Ibiki?"
"Can he hear me?"
"I think he just pretends not to hear. I can remove the seals covering his ears temporarily if you'd like."
"That'd be great."
Ibiki comes back around the corner and places his large tanned and sun worn hand onto the large iron plate in the middle of the wall of bars that make up the front of the cell. The three bars to the left and right of the plate slide sideways, like it was a curtain.
He walks into the cell, and presses his first finger of each hand to the top of Sasuke's ears simultaneously, creating a humming noise that trails off shrilly.
"Sasuke? Can you hear me?" I ask hesitantly stepping into the shadowy enclosure.
"Unfortunately, yes dobe. I can hear you,"he chuckles, his words harsh but his voice absent of any hostility. I sit down on the floor with a loud "thunk", and then scooch unceremoniously towards him, resting my forehead on his knee.
"What are you doing dummy?" he asks, and I look up to see a soft smile on his face. He's sitting on a wooden bench in a cream straight straightjacket, leaning his upper body against the brick behind him.
"I'm trying to show you affection bastard," I respond agitatedly, resting my left temple on his thigh.
"That's not how you show affection dobe,"
"Then how do you genius?"
"It's called 'physical interaction'"
"I'm physically interacting with you right now,"
"Doesn't mean it's affection. Affection is expressing endearance, respect, or sympathy and empathy to a person,"
"Like what?" I sigh in exasperation, impatient with his lack of information.
"Like a hug, or a kiss. Or holding hands with someone," He murmurs, as though he's begun to fall asleep. Somewhere in my brain I decide it's a good idea to tease him with some 'affection' considering the fact that he's currently tied up and he can't see me. I roughly pull myself off the floor and put a knee on either side of his hips and sit in his lap flinging my left arm around his neck.
"What. In. The. Actual. Hell. Are. You. Doing." Sasuke stutters, his cheeks flushing to a deep rosy color. I brush my hand over his burning face and chuckle softly,
"You're blushing pretty badly right now Sasuke,"
"Maybe it's because a certain blonde sat on my lap unexpectedly," He swallows hard as he says this. Trying with desperation to keep his emotions in check.
"And how do you feel about this blonde?" I can't help the question that falls past my lips, it's to late to stop what comes next as I wrap my good arm around his neck and press my hips to his, leaning in closer to his dangerously powerful lips. I'm shaking at this point, uncontrollably convulsing in my anxious state.
"He's kind, caring, and passionate. He used to be the biggest idiot, but I think he's grown up quite well," His voices becomes a thick whisper as he continues, "He's the most beautiful person I know. He's the hero of Konoha, and my best friend. He has insanely good stamina, and could rival the skills of even Itachi Uchiha. And he's something I could never have,"
"Are you so sure about that?" I whisper against his jaw, pressing my forehead to his lips.
"Yes, I'm quite certain. He's got eyes for a long haired Hyuga girl." His voice is sad now, soaked with regret and dripping with biting sarcasm.
"But I think you're wrong," I smile softly to myself, leaning in to whisper in his ear, my lips brushing against the shell of his ear and I feel a violent shudder wrack his frame.
"The blonde you're speaking of has been looking into a raven haired boy, with gray eyes and is an emotionless wreck. As a matter of fact, he likes this boy so damn much he comes down to his prison cell in the gloomy creepy brick building just to see the small part of his face that's exposed," My voice is shaking now, my hands and knees quivering and I press myself against him in an attempt to stop it.
"Hmmm, this boy sounds pretty lucky,"
"He's very lucky he's not dead,"
"I suppose that much is true. But where's the affection?" His voice has turned playful, a slutty smirk curling its way across his face.
"Don't worry. Be patient and I can promise I'll give you some affection,"
    It's strange how when he says that one word, initiating a competition that everything changes in the atmosphere. One minute I was shaking anxiously and joking playfully with him and now I find myself licking my burning lips with anticipation. And it's so strange what he does to me with a single word, a single syllable dripping with lust, love and the suggestion of the things we are both thinking. I can feel Sasuke shaking beneath me as I release a soft breath nearly a millimeter away from his quivering lips, and as soon as I feel him shiver I greedily slam my lips against him with a force that should have hurt. He moans breathlessly against my lips as I continue to kiss him. I hear a loud knock against the iron and I look up from Sasuke's lip to see Ibiki, doing his best to hold back his laughter, leaning against the bars.
"Okay kids, Party's over"

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