Pulled Over

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            "Aw crap," The blonde groaned as the flashing red and blue lights came on behind him. He quickly pulled over, and parked the car. Mentally kicking himself all the while. It was five o'clock on a Sunday and the last thing he wanted was to spend the evening getting yelled at by his grandmother for making them worry. His day had been hard enough already, he had been berated mercilessly at work by his co workers for being gay, and the grocery store had been clean out of his favorite ice cream flavor. This was just the cherry on top. He was startled out of his thoughts by a firm rapping on his window. Naruto jumped, startled by the sudden noise, and then sighed realising it was just the Police Officer doing his job. The officer was stunning now that the blonde got a good look at him. Tall, well built lean muscular frame, with slender features. Dark blue black hair that framed his face, with dark steely gray eyes. It's not like the dark navy uniform made him less attractive either. Naruto quickly rolled down the window,
"I'm sorry officer, I forgot to roll down my window. I spaced out for a moment."
" No worries, I'm sure you've had a long day," The officer's words were kind but his expression was blank, and his tone was bland.
"I'm going to need-"
"My license, proof of registration and proof of insurance. Yeah I'll get them," He instantly winced at the mild look of surprise on the officer's face, "sorry, it's just... I'm gay and it's Sunday, god's day," He threw his hands up for dramatic emphasis, and the cop sighed and gave the blonde a small smile,
"I know exactly how you feel,"
    Naruto quickly got out his necessary legal documents, and as he handed them to the taller dark haired man, he read his badge. Officer Uchiha Sasuke.
"So you're an Uchiha," The man stiffened instinctively seeing as the Uchiha's are known to be a wealthy and prosperous family, and gave him a cold look while taking the papers, a look of surprise crossed his face and in a husky voice he murmured,
"So you're an Uzumaki, You're definitely pretty enough to be one," he mused to himself,
"I could same the same for you," Naruto blushed as he said this and looking purposefully at the steering wheel in front of him.
"Hang on, I've got to process these and then I'll be back,"
"Sounds good," the blonde chirped back nervously at the smirking Uchiha. The older man returned after a minute or so, and handed the blonde his documents.
"So how's the ticket?" Naruto asked warily.
"Not great,"
"Excuse me?" the eyebrow on the officer rose threateningly.
"You heard me," The blonde replied cheekily, knowing this could get him trouble.
"Okay Usuratonkachi," Sasuke said with a teasing expression and a glimmer in his dark eyes.
"Very unprofessional Officer Uchiha,"
"Oh stop whining, I didn't actually give you a ticket, I was kidding,"
"I'm going to report you, that's actually illegal right?"
"How about we debate it over dinner? Are you free next friday evening?" The raven looked almost akin to nervous now, but the blonde grinned and said,
"Of course, only for not giving me a ticket. You're going to have to earn a second date,"
"We shall see," The older man smiled, "I wrote my number down on a sticky note on your documents. Give me a call,"
"Believe it," As Naruto drove away, he couldn't help but laugh at the irony of how his day turned out. He quickly decided to call his grandmother to inform her that no, he was not dead face down in a ditch off the side of a country road.

Sorry! I know it's short, but I've been having a bit of a writers block recently so don't worry.

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