Chapter 2: The Thatcher

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I feel asleep in the most comfortable room and when I woke up it was about 8:00am. I got up and hopped in the shower quickly. I washed my dark blonde hair. When I finshed I grabbed my towel off the rack I wrapped myself in it and quickly went to my room. Luckly Jack and Finn weren't in their rooms at the time. I shut the door behind me and I got dressed. I decided on my black skaterskirt and a teal longsleeve tee because it was a little chilly and rainy out. After that I dried my hair and left it down. My hair reaches midback. Then I went down stairs. When I got down their there were 2 figures talking to my parents with their backs facing to me. 

"Oh! Annika! These are the roof thatchers. They live here in Bath!" My mom said. The 2 guys turned around. There was an older guy and there was a younger one. The younger one looked about my age and he was really cute! He was wearing a beanie and a teal teeshirt with a tan longsleeve underneath. He was also wearing jeans. 

"Hello! I'm Joe Sugg!" He said with his hand out for me to shake. "Annika? Thats your name, yes?" 

"Yes. I'm Annika. Nice to meet you." He laughed a little. Then the second guy introduced himself.

"Hello! I'm David. I'm the manager of Joe." I shook his hand. 

"Well, I better get thatching!" Joe exclaimed. He stood up nodded his head at me and  headed outside. I asked my mom if I could watch and said I could. I went outside I grabbed a lawn chair and watched. Joe was already on the roof with some hay. Then I noticed he had a camera just like Jack's and he was talking to it. Then Joe went down the ladder really fast with out stepping down. When he came down he saw me.

"Decided to watch I see." Joe said. 

"I did. I am so intrested in roof thatching. I'm not sure why. I just think it turns out so cool and beautiful." I reply. I really do think roof thatching is cool.

"Well, maybe someday you would like to join the buisness. Not many girls thatch but I've seen it before."

"Maybe I will then." I smirk and Joe smiled back. He grabbed another bale of hay. "Sorry, but are you a Youtuber?" I asked.

"I am! Did you see me talking to my camera?" He replied.

"I did. And my brother is a Youtuber too."

"Is he now? Who is he?" 

"Jack.....from Jacksgap." 

"Oh! Yes! I've heard of him before. That means he has a twin named Finn."

"Yeah...its sort of creepy living with 2 brothers that are identical."

"That would be." Joe said. He was staring at me. 

"JOE! GET BACK UP HERE!" His manager said from the top of the roof. 

"COMING!" He yelled back. "I'll talk to you when I have a break." Joe went back up the ladder and made a funny face in the camera. I sat back down and watched. 

Later on Joe had his break. He came sliding down with one had and a camera in the other. Then he pressed the off button and sat on the chair I brought out for him.

"Well, your roof is going to look amazing in about a week and a half." He explained.

"Its a lot of work isn't it?" 

"It is but I love it. Ever since my uncle did it I always wanted to." 

"Its good that you kept with what you wanted to do."

"Yeah. Its amazing." There was an awkward silence. Then Joe broke the silence. "You should do what you want to do." 

"Become a roof thatcher?" I say.

"Yeah. Become a roof thatcher." 

"I may have to take that option up." 

"You should. But I got to go but I will see you tomorrow bright and early!" 

"I'll see you then!" I waved as Joe got in his car and placed the vlogging camera on a stand that was hooked up to his dashboared. Then he was saying something and drove off. I went back inside and ate some dinner. I was really thinking about what Joe said. He told me to do what I want to do and to be quite honest it was roof thatching. I ate dinner thinking about that. I then went upstairs and changed into my pajamas. Jack and Finn were in their rooms. Jack was editing his vlog and Finn was on his phone probably scrolling through social media. I sat on my bed and took out my sketching book. No one in my family is allowed to look through my sketch book except me. So today I worked on a sketch that I had no clue what exactly I was drawing but when I finished I noticed I drew Joe roof thatching. It was my favorite drawing. I signed my name and I was so happy with it. I went into Jacks room and sat on his bed. He looked up at me.

"Why are you in here?" He wondered.

"I'm just bored and I'm kind of confused. Can I talk to you as my older brother now?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He pulled out of his desk and climbed up onto his bed with me. 

"So, after watching the roof thatchers I also want to try to become a roof thatcher." 

"You want to become a roof thatcher? I don't think I have ever seen a girl roof thatcher." 

"You weren't home but when the roof thatchers were here I met one. His name is Joe Sugg. You may know him. He's a Youtuber." 

"I do actually. Not personaly but I do know of him." 

"Well, he told me to do what I want to do and I want to be a roof thatcher. I think its going to be an amazing job and its something I really want to do." \

"Then do it!" 

"I think I will." 



I got into that chapter! I wrote that in one sitting and I think I have only done that once! WOW! :)

~Stay classy and watch Youtube~

My Thatcher (A Joe Sugg fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now